Wednesday, January 7, 2009

  • Dem leaders go to the mat for their two-tiered justice system--leniency for the rich and powerful (our present system) and throw-away-the-key for everyone else (also our present system). Sen. Richard Durbin cries crocodile tears (huffingtonpost) over convicted and imprisoned corrupt Republican, former Illinois governor George Ryan. What yet unreturned favor is this all about? Sen. Harry Reid (firedoglake) does the same for convicted but still unsentenced corrupt Republican, former senator Ted Stevens (AK). I've really had it with the Democrat wing of the Capitalist Party. (It is a foregone conclusion that most of the Republican wing should already be in prison.) These Dem leaders are the same light bulbs whose party is presently skewering Democrat Roland Burris because indicted but unconvicted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich appointed him--their customary circular firing squad--and the same guys who along with an endless parade of their so-call patriotic Democrat colleagues failed completely to ardently defend this country and the Constitution against the endless onslaught of probably irreparable damage by the illegal, fundamentally criminal Republican regime of the past eight years.
  • Pete Johnson say, "Any hope of prosecuting the perpetrators of the stolen 2004 presidential election ended when Mike Connell died Dec 19 in a plane crash." (freepress) Did it? Is that all there is? Is that how it goes down for the greatest unindicted criminals of the 21st Century--George W. Bush and the Republican operatives who illegally enthroned him for eight horribly disastrous years? (See also my entry on 12-29-08" (Mayday Over Ohio . . .")
  • Obama likes right-wing stooge Dr. Sanjay Gupta as Surgeon General (nyt). I lost all respect for this guy during his disingenuous attacks on Michael Moore on CNN over Moore's new movie Sicko. What a perfect shill for the health insurance industry that, together with the pharmaceutical industry, have bled the American healthcare system to death and have driven up US health care costs to the highest in the world. Surely Obama could find a more qualified nominee than this pretty-faced flimflam man--whatever would Gupta do without his pounds of orange makeup? If Obama likes show biz doctors so much, he could nominate former ophthalmologist Dr. Dean Edell, who has been broadcasting regularly since 1978, when Gupta was only 11 years old. For cryin' out loud! There has to be a better qualified representative to be Surgeon General of the United States of America!
  • Obama picks East Timor genocide supporter Dennis Blair as his new Director of National Intelligence (democracynow).
  • Once-in-a-century solar blast could wipe out huge sections of the national power grid -- for months (spaceweather). I'll add this to my list of "interesting times" that would make us bend way over and kiss our asses goodbye, like Yellowstone blowing up, a bird flu pandemic, an asteroid hit, or an exchange of nukes between a couple of pissed off and very stupid countries. Ah yes, the fear-mongering History Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, and Discovery Channel love to promote this kind of stuff so we'll all be fearful, gelatinous blobs that will eagerly accept anything our military-industrial complex leaders would like to experiment with next. There has already been a sci-fi done on this one.
  • Project Censored's # 4 story for 2009: ILEA: Is the US Restarting Dirty Wars in Latin America? (projectcensored) International Law Enforcement Academy, now a decentralized function of the former notorious School of the Americas, is a Bill Clinton love-child from the mid-'90s to provide safe regions for foreign investment (of course!). With ample reason, human rights advocates are very concerned. Follow UpsideDownWorld, TowardFreedom, and SchoolOfTheAmericasWatch for updates on this situation.
  • The Galactic Core in Infrared (apod), wherein lies the great swirling drain of our home galaxy, the Milky Way.