Tuesday, January 13, 2009

  • Dixie Chicks "Not Ready To Make Nice" at Grammy Awards 2007 (youtube)
  • Tear down the George W. Bush myth before it starts (philly.com).
  • Gaza: Barack Obama’s Silence on Gaza (commondreams). Just how enthralled is Barack Obama to the neocons? It's beginning to look dismal on that front.
  • Time For Tax Hikes (commondreams). US economic growth has been strongest when our taxes have been high on the richest members of society, the very richest. During World War II, then under Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy, our upper marginal tax rates were between 88-92%. Read those numbers again. They are astonishingly high. Those were our strongest growth years. . . . During a depression or recession, the point where taxes are increased marks the point when the economy begins its recovery. When will the Great Appeaser ever grow such cajones?
  • Global Warming: Half of world's population could face climate-driven food crisis by 2100 (grist). US not exempt as most of the country will be arid by then. Greatest gift to your planned, but still unconceived child: DON'T add to the planet's burden and DON'T bring another being into such a place of so much easily anticipated human suffering.
    • Get in on the action: Climate Change Litigation in the US (arnold&porter pdf)
    • Time magazine exposes "the myth of clean coal" (time). Clean Coal: This Is The Reality (youtube).
    • Foes of Coal See Hope in Cancellation of Iowa Plant (commondreams)
    • Coal Pollution: Hiding in Plain Sight (dailycamera)
  • Wouldn'tcha know it: New Alaska Dem. Begich kicks off Congress with call for ANWR drilling (grist). This is further proof that an increased Democratic majority in the Senate doesn't mean it will be all rainbows and sunshine when it comes to environmental policy.
  • Largest Moon of 2009 Over the Alps (apod)