Saturday, January 31, 2009

  • RW Religious Wacko Watch:
    • GOP Senators Re-Introduce the Life at Conception Act (panhandleparade) - Always angling for ways to take away a woman's reproductive choice
    • Focus on the Family Gets Former Bush Administration Loyalist, Plagiarist as their Lobbyist (rightwingwatch) - How much firepower do liberals have in there to oppose Focus's fruitcake logic and intolerance?
    • They're organizing to protect DOMA already (washblade) - What are equality-in-marriage advocates doing to organize against DOMA?
    • Obama's Personal Religious Brainwashing is Frightening:
      • Obama Has Tapped a Pentecostal Minister for Bush's Old Office of Faith-Based Initiatives (nytimes) - This bright young go-getter is of the same faith that Sarah Palin grew up in. (wiki Pentecostalism) - Obama just can't do enough pandering to evangenitals. Of all the qualified main-stream religious, was there not one person at least as well qualified for this job? Will this office bear the personal evangenital biases its youthful leader will likely bring with him? Will he and Obama together permit intolerant discrimination toward prospective employees and clients? Will they permit churches to proselytize at all while they tend to the program needs of their clients? Will they permit project churches to simply shift their financial allocations around so they will effectively have more money available for their general religious programs, thus further subsidizing the spread of denominational dogmas?
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
  • Liberal Media:
    • The Crack Baby Myth: Now They Tell Us (fair) - Despite research to the contrary, despicable reporters won't give up idea of a 'Bio-Underclass'. Also file this story under "phony war on drugs".
    • With a Few Dozen--OR a Few Hundred--Well-Placed CIA Assets as Media Executives and Reporters - (wiki Operation Mockingbird - tmh Carl Bernstein's Rolling Stone Article)
      • Illegal Surveillance and the Media: Why the Silence on Tice’s Revelations? (emptywheel) - Duh.
  • Simeis 147: Supernova Remnant (apod)