Thursday, February 5, 2009

  • Murdoch's News Corp. Reports Staggering Net Loss of $6.4 Billion (latimes) - Absolutely the best news of the day!
  • Setting Things Right:
    • Iran: Would It Kill Us to Apologize to Iran for the 1953 Coup? (commondreams) - "[M]ost Americans have little knowledge about the history of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. As far as they know, the U.S. hasn't done anything wrong. So why should we apologize? Unfortunately for us, outside our borders U.S. foreign policy isn't judged according to what we know, but according to what our government does and has done."
    • Environment: Salazar cancels Bush-era energy leases in Utah (latimes - democracynow)
  • Election Theft - HAVA Was Written Solely to Facilitate It:
    • Brad Friedman on Our Broken Electoral System on 'The Gregory Mantell Show' (bradblog 25m video) - The conservative-controlled corporate media are doing their best to work with Republican obstructionists to prevent an Obama reelection in 2012. In November 2006 and 2008 the flood of Democratic voters literally overwhelmed Republican efforts to steal the those elections as they had stolen the 2000 and 2004 elections. Even so, in both 2006 and 2008 the GOP managed to rip off enough votes to change the balance of Congress to reduce their losses in both houses. If Obama doesn't prove himself to the overwhelming majority again and bring them out to the polls in 2012, Republicans will have a very good chance of rigging the results again in their favor -- IF Obama does not correct our disastrously broken election process before then. Listen to this interview carefully and check Brad's archive for mind boggling proof that the entire 8-year Bush regime was an illegal one, placed into power by illegal means. Folks, the ONLY safe election is a completely transparent one. The only safe way to vote is with a marker - on a paper ballot - that is placed in a clear, always-visible ballot box - and is hand-counted at the same polling place at the end of the day -- nationwide.
  • RW Religious Hypocrisy Watch:
    • Gay Bashing Teddy's Back - Should Have Stayed Out of Sight:
      • Haggard's Pump 'n Go: Serving You 24/7 (signorile - Haas 1) - Signorile interviews Grant Haas, Haggard's latest accuser/victim - more to come.
      • "Ted Two" (signorile - Haas 2) - Offers up a great clue as to why gay-bashing churches have to shout it so stridently.
      • Mike Jones: Two Other Men Sexually Abused at New Life Church (signorile - Jones)
      • Ted Haggard Continues to Screw the Gays (advocate) "Ted Haggard's struggle isn't about choosing a sexual orientation. His struggle is about suppressing his true self. In doing so, he undermines further understanding among people who need it the most."
  • Obama's Bunch:
    • Church and State:
      • Obama kicks off his Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships - and it's vague on protections (pamshouseblend)
      • Will Obama Continue Bush’s Faith-Based Discrimination? (thinkprogress)
      • Obama to expand Bush faith program (commondreams)
      • White House panel will guide faith-based programs (latimes)
    • Larry Summers Jockying for Power, Becoming a Pain in the Ass - Holding Back Obama's Program:
      • Volcker Chafes at Obama Panel Delay, Strains With Summers Rise (bloomberg) - Who'da guessed it?
  • Restoring the Rule of Law:
    • Domenici being investigated by federal grand jury in Iglesias firing (newmexicoindependent)
    • Cooperation, Rove Style, by Scott Horton (harpers - tpmmuckraker) - Rove is cooperating with DoJ's OPR, the place to go for a 1-stop whitewash.
      • Rove dances with special counsel while Obama Justice Department targets Rove’s main accuser, by Wayne Madsen (onlinejournal)
    • More on the Renditions Hoopla, by Scott Horton (harpers) plus, Maddow interview on same
    • Some call for Bush administration trials - Want ex-leader accountable on Iraq war (michaelmoore)
  • NGC 604: X-rays from a Giant Stellar Nursery (apod)