Monday, March 2, 2009

  • Folks, Face It. We Have Polluted Ourselves Out of Existence: China's far-sighted one-child policy was the most enlightened social policy that any country has adopted, that if extended to the whole world for a hundred years, could have averted the global broiling catastrophe that will now surely do most, if not all, of us in within the lifetimes of our unfortunate children and grandchildren. Just stating the probable facts. Annoying, aren't they? This is invariably what happens when commerce is divorced from social responsibility. Anyone for 40 more years of laissez–faire capitalism run by the greediest bastards in the universe?
    • Floating Land-Fill in Central Pacific Ocean - As Large As the Continental U.S. ( video in 12 parts) -- At least 100 million tons of floating debris -- mostly plastic -- and no way to remove it. Some enlightened oceanside cities have actually banned plastic shopping bags in order to prevent more bags from being washed down storm sewers and into the ocean. It's a small step, but it's a conscientious step. Most plastic does not decompose for up to a thousand years, but rather merely breaks up into ever smaller and smaller particles. Marine animals eat it, thinking it's real food, and die of malnutrition. Also, chemicals in the plastic are hormone disrupters, that can drastically alter the reproductive capacity of those marine animals that eat either the debris particles or those animals that have eaten it down the food chain.
    • There is also a trash island in the Atlantic Ocean in the Sargasso Sea (geography.about)
  • Our 'Liberal Media':
    • Starve The Beast: The Wrath Of The Right (newscorpse) -- Neocon billionaire Rupert Murdoch pulling the strings of his mouthy, lying, possibly treasonous marionettes at Faux News. GE-owned propaganda subsidiaries only slightly better. Murdoch's mouthpieces have at least twice appeared to promote the assassination of President Obama via either Faux News direct comment or NY Post cartoon. Murdoch's propaganda was probably instrumental in promoting the illegal invasion of Iraq by the criminal Bush regime.
  • High Cost of the Prison-Industrial Complex:
    • One in Every 31 Adults in Prison; Prison Spending Outpaces All but Medicaid (commondreams, nytimes)
  • Racism is Alive and Well in These United States of Many Colors:
    • Holder's Much Touted Speech on Race Lets White People Off the Hook (alternet)
  • Restore the Rule of Law - Justice for Lawbreakers:
    • CIA Admits to Destroying More Interrogation Videos (guardian/uk) "Bush scandal resuscitated as pressure builds for Obama to support an investigation into the CIA's detention practices"
      • Who Watched the 92 Torture Tapes Before the CIA Had Them Destroyed? (emptywheel)
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • It's Obama's War, Now (commondreams)
    • Why Are We "Surging" into Afghanistan? (alternet)
    • Defense Contractor Trying to Get Obama Killed (americablog) -- After all, it means more money in their pockets if they can get a another gunslinging cowboy into the Oval Office, like John McCain, for instance.
    • CFR Professor Reveals Plot for Military Coup in 2012 (blacklistednews)
    • Necon Richard Perle is a liar (foreignpolicy)
  • Earthgrazer: The Great Daylight Fireball of 1972 (apod)
    • Surprise Asteroid Just Buzzed Earth This Morning (nationalgeographic) -- 65 to 164 feet wide and 40,000 miles away - about the same size as the infamous Tunguska object in Siberia in 1908. That explosion knocked over an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 square kilometres (830 square miles) and knocked a man off his front porch 400 miles away. The asteroid this morning, however, traveling 12 miles/second, did not impact the earth - but will drop by again some other day, so they say.