Friday, May 22, 2009

  • Barack McSame Obama:
    • Sibel Edmonds: Two Sides of the Same Coin...Heads-Heads (123realchange) "Some call it [Obama's flips and flops] a major betrayal. Can we go so far as to call it a 'swindling of the voters'?" -- In reality, by covering up Bush administration's war crimes, and refusing to prosecute them, Obama has violated the Geneva Convention, his oath of office, and has already legally become an accessory to war crimes -- a war criminal who would have to be tried along with the Bush gang. Is there anything Obama won't do to protect Bush war criminals?
  • Synthetic H1N1 Flu Virus:
    • Madsen: H1N1 synthetic flu may be test run for H5N1 avian flu (onlinejournal)
  • Military-Industrial Profiteering Idiots:
    • DADT: It’s Like Setting Huge Piles Of Money On Fire (wonkroom with Maddow interview) -- Wasteful, ridiculous, bigoted, destructive 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' policy now throwing away an 18-year Lt. Colonel combat pilot who has 25 million taxpayer dollars already invested in him.
    • The Costs of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (americanprogress) -- 75% of Americans believe that gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military -- (Not that I can understand why any rational openly gay man or woman would want to contribute their blood and energy to the war profiteers' ravaging perpetual money machine.)
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • The Fed: Unlocking The Secrets (digby)
  • U.S. Double Standard About Israel's Nukes - Or, Why Do Arabs Hate Us:
    • US Keeps Nuclear 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' (reuters)
  • FDA - Always on the Job to Protect Health:
    • Drinking All Beverages Cold From Plastic Bottles 'Increases Exposure to Gender-Bending Chemical' (telegraph/uk) -- "The results showed the volunteers' urinary BPA concentrations increased 69 per cent after drinking from the polycarbonate bottles" for only one week.
  • East of Antares (apod)