Saturday, April 18, 2009

  • Sore Loser RW Nuttery:
    • Great American patriot or dangerous commie? (americablog)
    • Twitters From Texas, by Gail Collins (nytimes) A brilliant analysis of the Teabaggers (Aravosis) -- Wasn't the Civil War fought over firstly, the secession of southern states? Are Perry and his counterpart nutjob from Georgia advocating starting a new chapter of the never-really-finished War Between the States?
    • Fox News, CNBC and Numerous GOP Congressmen And Other Sundry RW Nutjobs Are Illegally Inciting Protesters to Violence (thinkprogress) -- This kind of shit will continue and the corporate media will continue to promote it and walk all over Obama as long as he lets them get away with it. What form will the violence take when it comes and who will die while Obama pussyfoots about putting a stop to it?
    • The Dumb Fuks Who Went to These Various Sore Losers Rallies (aka, Teabag Parties) Generally Don't Know Why They Were There, Except That RW Multi-Billionaire Rupert Murdoch's Propagandist Fox "News" Gang along with His Wall Street Journal, Multimillionaire Drug Addict Rush Limbaugh and His Slimy Ilk, Former Derivatives Trader Rick Santelli & Gang of Used Car Salesmen at CNBC, and Very Well Funded GOP Lobbying Firms Urged Them To Go. This Is All The GOP Has. This Is What the Ultra-Wealthy Elite Puppeteers Who Make the GOP Dance Want Them To Do. That's Why They Do It.
  • Environmental Wasting Disease:
    • Check in daily to Desdemona Despair (found in side bar). Very well done site on man's effects on the environment. Beautiful, though sometimes heartbreaking, photography.
  • Sky Show:
    • Lyrid Meteor Shower During Wee Hours of Wednesday Morning the 22nd (spaceweather) -- Go to WeatherUnderground, type in your city, got to bottom of page and click on star charts, adjust time and features on right side of page, imagine holding the chart overhead with the bottom of the chart pointed toward the north. This will show you where the constellation Lyra is and from which the meteors will appear to emanate. -- Find a dark place (preferably free of city lights) to view the 10-20 meteors per hour. Also keep an eye on the crescent moon and Venus, as the moon will at one point pass in front of Venus in an occultation, visibility depending where you're located in the universe. If you're interested in taking in this sort of event, then keep an eye on for announcements as they are approaching.
  • NGC 1333 Stardust (apod)

Friday, April 17, 2009

  • Those ignorant, retrograde Republicons:
    • Anderson Cooper nails it down: "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging." (americablog) -- At end of this video clip.
  • Io: The Prometheus Plume (apod)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

  • The Far 3kpc Arm (apod)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

  • The Corporate Rich and Their Fear of Unions:
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers - Making Sure There Will Always Be Enemies to Fight With Expensive US Weaponry:
    • Errant Drone Attacks Spur Militants in Pakistan (ips) "the Pakistani government leaked data last week to The News in Lahore showing that only 10 drone attacks out of 60 carried out from Jan. 29, 2009 to Apr. 8, 2009 actually hit al Qaeda leaders, while 50 other strikes were based on faulty intelligence and killed a total of 537 civilians but no al Qaeda leaders. The drone strikes have been even less accurate in their targeting in 2009 than they had been from 2006 through 2008, according to the detailed data from Pakistani authorities. Of 14 drone strikes carried out in those 99 days, only one was successful, killing a senior al Qaeda commander in North Waziristan and its external operations chief. The other 13 strikes had killed 152 people without netting a single al Qaeda leader."
  • Radioactive Sham:
    • Keynote: Helen Caldicott (freespeech video - patience while loading) "Dr. Caldicott explains the nuclear fuel cycle and that, over the life of a nuclear power plant (which couldn’t be built without tax payer subsidies), the plant puts out the same amount of greenhouse gases as a fossil fuel plant does. In addition, we are left to store the spent fuel rods for the next half million years. . . . Dr. Caldicott also explains the medical effects of nuclear power and the madness of stockpiling nuclear arms."
  • Do It the American Way - Steal That Vote:
    • 'Thousands of Ballots' May be 'Missing' from AZ's Criminal Investigation Ballot Count in Phoenix (bradblog) "In a letter written to the Arizona Attorney General's office on Monday, as obtained by The BRAD BLOG, the attorney for the Pima County (Tucson) Democratic Party has expressed a concern that [as many as 19,000] thousands of ballots from a disputed 2006 special election, which should be in the AG's possession, may instead be 'missing'."
  • This United Police State of America:
    • Look Out for the Blimp That Doesn't Blink (creators)
  • Restore the Rule of Law and Legal Accountability:
    • Ray McGovern: Anatomy of Bush's Torture 'Paradigm' (consortiumnews) "Rather than Harry Truman's famous motto on his Oval Office desk, 'The Buck Stops Here,' this was a case of 'The Buck Starts Here.' President George W. Bush set the tone and created the framework, with strong support from Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld."
  • Poisoning Our Food With Impunity:
    • Corn, Soy Yields Gain Little From Genetic Engineering (afp/cd) "The use of genetically engineered corn and soybeans in the United States for more than a decade has had little impact on crop yields despite claims that they could ease looming food shortages, a study released on Tuesday concluded."
  • Tea Parties: From Way Down the Rabbit Hole:
    • Thom Hartmann: The Real Boston Tea Party was an Anti-Corporate Revolt (commondreams) -- In response to the Republicons' phony "tea parties" craze.
    • Tea Parties? This is What Astroturf Looks Like (commongdreams) "'Astroturf.' Fake grassroots. It's what you get when big business and rich zealots hire pricey consultants to manufacture public outrage. With big budgets, limitless manpower, sophisticated targeting, and a sympathetic media channel, it's not difficult to generate anger."
    • Pelosi: Tea parties are part of an ‘astroturf’ campaign by ‘some of the wealthiest people in America.’ (thinkprogress) "It’s astroturf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class."
  • NGC 602 and Beyond (apod)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

  • M101: The Pinwheel Galaxy (apod)

Monday, April 13, 2009

  • Star Trails over the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (apod)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

  • M39: Open Cluster in Cygnus (apod)