Saturday, June 27, 2009

  • The Global Broiling Bill That Wasn't:
    • Climate Change Activists Dismayed by Some of Bill's Provisions (wapo) -- Big Money has ripped out the guts of this bill, but there's one thing Big Money cannot buy: a cooler, more hospitable planet at a time when half the world's population has already perished because of Big Money's eternal greed.
    • Dennis Kucinich votes against climate change bill (nwotruth) "The reason is simple. It won’t address the problem. In fact, it might make the problem worse."
  • The Hidden Enemy Within Worse Than Known Enemies Without:
    • Democrats and Political Homophobia (americablog) "Political homophobia is rampant among some Democrats. In some ways, it's worse than blatant homophobia, since we think most Democrats are on our side. And outwardly, they are. Political homophobia dictates policy in DC more than we'd like to think. I believe it's happening in the West Wing right now."
  • Egomaniac Adulterous RW 'Family Values' Governor Has Nerve to Compare Himself to King David:
    • Sanford likened his struggle to that of King David (cbsnews) -- No way, Bud, you're not even a piss ant compared to that giant of a man. -- Hmmm, but looking at Sanford's comparison from another angle, what if his 'leaked emails proving there is another woman named Maria' are actually just another phony scam to conceal a Mario? Could Sanford's comparison to King David actually be a Freudian slip referencing the relationship of David and Jonathan--Jonathan whom David 'loved'? (The original language of the Biblical reference suggests physical love, and they too were forced to break it off, just as Sanford's and Mari_'s breakup appears to have been not completely voluntary.) Not that I would judge him for having a Mario instead of a Maria -- he's already a dirty, rotten, lying, adulterous GOP hypocrite, and the gender of his love object makes no difference to me.
  • Bush III Hard At Work:
    • Greenwald: Obama contemplates Executive Order for detention without charges (salon)
    • 2004 CIA Inspector General Torture Report’s Release Is Delayed AGAIN (washingtonindependent)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Kepler's Supernova Remnant in X-Rays (apod)

Friday, June 26, 2009

  • The Jewish Grip on the Conscience of the West - Additional Perspective:
    • A different take on the Holocaust (onlinejournal) -- A review of Norman Finkelstein's book The Holocaust Industry - Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2000)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Young Star Cluster Westerlund 2 (apod)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

  • Obama Continuing Bush Practice of Punishing FBI Agents Who Get Too Close to Their Politically Connected Quarry:
    • Madsen: Politicization of FBI continuing under Obama (onlinejournal) "WMR has learned the policy of punishing FBI agents who get too close to criminal enterprises involving politically-connected individuals and companies is continuing under President Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder."
  • A/H1N1 Was Engineered in Two Universities in U.S. and Canada:
    • Is swine flue US-made and resistant to vaccines? (rt video) Former CIA analyst turned investigative reporter "Wayne Madsen also says that his so-called 'nightmare scenario', in which swine flu could mutate with bird flu, has been suppressed by the World Health Organisation for political reasons." -- As I've said before, the Power Elite could actually desire the nightmare scenario, just as they created the world recession, in order to reduce worldwide global broiling emissions to buy them time to work on the global broiling certainty. As of a couple months ago, for example, over 50,000 factories had closed in China because of the recession. Add a very lethal flu pandemic and watch scores of thousands more factories close. That's a lot of global broiling gaseous emissions that are would not enter the atmosphere and make human extinction more nearly likely.. After all, if the Power Elite want to rule the world, they have to have a habitable world containing people to rule.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Liquid Lakes on Saturn's Titan (apod)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

  • Money Trail Says Saudis Were Up to Their Eyeballs in 9/11:
    • Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists (nytimes)
  • High Time for High Noon:
    • Spanish prosecution of Bush lawyers will proceed (rawstory)
  • Steal That Vote:
    • New York Times Wrong Again on 'E-Voting' (bradblog) -- Rush Holt's bill is FAR from what we need to assure fair, equitable and transparent elections in this country and the NYT should publish a correction immediately.
  • Self-Righteous, Holier-Than-Thou Hypocrite Politicians a Pathological Scourge on This Country:
    • Anti-gay marriage, family values, ultra-conservative RW hypocrite Gov. Mark Sanford admits adulterous relationship in Argentina (americablog with video admission - thinkprogress - bradblog)
    • FAUX News Yet Once More Falsely Labels The Offender As a Democrat - Or, Welcome to the Way Faux Does Business (tpzoo - bradblog)
    • Speaking of Holier-Than-Thou Hypocrite Politicians, How Long Will It Be Till We Hear That the Establishment's Golden Boy Protector In Shining Armor Has Lost Control of HIS Zipper As His Democratic Predecessor Did? Counting . . . . .
  • Power Elites' Synthetic A-H1N1 Flu Could Turn Into a Killer:
    • Hybrid A/H1N1 flu tied to genetic trigger for larger, mutated version (onlinejournal)
  • The Struggle Now 40 Years Old:
    • Stonewall (and the Black Cat) — Happy Anniversary, Gay Rights Movement (firedoglake with video)
    • Tossed under the bus by Obama, individual gays speak their mind (americablog)
    • DNC Gay Fundraiser Still Hemorrhaging Key Participants - Now It's Howard Dean (americablog)
  • Obama, Too Scared of Losing RW Votes - So Throw the Gays Under the Bus:
    • Obama won't use executive power to end gay discharges -- despite request from 77 members of Congress (americablog)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Noctilucent Clouds Over Germany (apod)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

  • Our Liberal Media:
    • NPR and Torture: Time to Revisit Publicly Funded Media (firedoglake)
  • Healthcare - or Not:
  • Barack's Gang: Making Failure a Certainty:
    • Endangered Species Act Fell Into Disuse Under Obama's Nominee (peer)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Molecular Cloud Barnard 68 (apod)

Monday, June 22, 2009

  • Bush's Nutjob Supreme Court:
    • Supreme Court will not revive Valerie Plame's lawsuit over leaked identity (newsday)
    • Justices Allow Dumping of Gold-Mine Waste in Lake (courthousenews)
  • Will Obama Fall Over As He Leans More And More to the Right?
    • US: Obama’s Right Turn (ips)
    • Obama Closes Doors on Openness (newsweek) "Since Obama pledged on his first day in office to usher in a 'new era' of openness, 'nothing has changed,' says David -Sobel, a lawyer who litigates FOIA cases. 'For a president who said he was going to bring unprecedented transparency to government, you would certainly expect more than the recycling of old Bush secrecy policies.'"
  • When Will the U.S. Do the Honorable Thing and Compensate Bush's So-Called 'Enemy Combatants' That Are Adjudged Innocent? As I've said before, I believe that George W. Bush should be held personally accountable for such compensation and that a fair and punitive compensation would be about $2 million for each year each innocent prisoner was illegally imprisoned and tortured under his orders. Obama shares some responsibility as well, as some innocent prisoners are STILL being physically and mentally abused in what are how HIS prisons.
    • Uruguay compensates ex-political prisoners (cnn)
  • 911 Coup d'Etat:
    • David Ray Griffin, the nemesis of the collection of disinformation known as the 9/11 Commission Report, has taken up the question of Osama Bin Laden, dead or alive? (onlinejournal) "He has been kept alive in the media by US government PSYOPS as a useful bogyman to justify America’s illegal wars of aggression. The messages received from bin Laden since his death appear to be conveniently timed fabrications designed to advance US government purposes."
  • MIC - Obama's War Profiteers:
    • Scahill: Obama's Undeclared War Against Pakistan Continues, Despite His Attempt to Downplay It (rebelreports)
    • CIA has Distributed 400 Million Dollars Inside Iran to Evoke a Revolution (pakalert)
  • Dems' Gay ATM Is Threatened in Boston Too - Time for Long Overdue Grassroots Actions to Spread Throughout the Country - Basta!
    • Protest at second DNC fundraiser, this time in Boston (americablog)
    • Join the Impact Massachusetts to protest June 23 DNC fundraiser at Fenway Park (pamshouseblend - jointheimpactma) "More has been accomplished for LGBT civil rights in the past 6 days than in the past 6 months due to public pressure. This is a way to keep that public pressure on."
    • SLDN to join protesters outside DNC gay fundraiser Thursday (americablog) SLDN is "the lead gay rights group in charge of taking on the military's anti-gay ban"
  • US Interests Ahead of Every Other Country's - And Look at All the Trouble It Has Caused:
    • Chris Hedges: Iran Had a Democracy Before We Took It Away (truthdig) "We are the biggest problem in the Middle East. We have through our cruelty and violence created and legitimized the Mahmoud Ahmadinejads and the Osama bin Ladens."
  • Health Care Reform? Not if Corporatist Democrats Like Feinstein Have Their Way:
    • The Risk of Reform (washingtonmonthly)
    • Krugman to Senate's "centrist" Dems.: This isn't 1993 and you're not the center. You're "way out in right field" (americablog)
    • Obama's Health Reform Waterloo (commondreams) "The Obama administration and the Congressional Democrats are finally hitting the inevitable wall that was bound to confront them because of the president's congenital inability to be a bold leader, and because of the party's toxic decades-old decision to betray its working class New Deal base in favor of wholesale corporate whoredom."
  • RW Continually Cry About ACORN's Non-Existent Voter Fraud, While Their Own Operatives Are Guilty As Sin:
    • Justice Delayed? Why the Hold-Up in Connecticut's Investigation into Ann Coulter's 'Voter Fraud'? (bradblog)
  • The Biggest Theft of All Time:
    • Matt Taibbi: "Suck on Our Yachts": Goldman Sachs Issues Non-Apology for Destroying the World Economy (alternet)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Atlas 5 Rocket Launches to the Moon (apod)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

  • Our Liberal Media:
    • Sibel Edmonds: The Forbidden Apple of the US Press (123realchange)
  • WH Stooping Pretty Low to Pressure Gay Leaders into Turning the Gay ATM Back On:
    • White House Ratchets Up the Pressure on A-List Gays (firedoglake) "I know many of these people and their commitment to ending DADT and DOMA is sincere, and having their livelihoods (and those of the people who work for them) threatened if they don't intervene on behalf of the White House is truly low politics."
    • Move Over, Sister Souljah (sfbaytimes) "So thanks for nothing. Obama is the chagrined husband who thinks a bunch of flowers will excuse an infidelity. And to make it worse, instead of roses from the florist, he picks up wilted daisies from the drugstore. --Mike Rogers"
  • Health Care Reform or Continued Corporate Welfare for the Insurance and Health Care Industries:
    • How Obama Is Killing Health Reform (commondreams) -- Obama has incompetently allowed the Republicons to define the terms of the debate, giving them a major advantage.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Longest Northern Day of the Year (apod)