Wednesday, June 24, 2009

  • Money Trail Says Saudis Were Up to Their Eyeballs in 9/11:
    • Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists (nytimes)
  • High Time for High Noon:
    • Spanish prosecution of Bush lawyers will proceed (rawstory)
  • Steal That Vote:
    • New York Times Wrong Again on 'E-Voting' (bradblog) -- Rush Holt's bill is FAR from what we need to assure fair, equitable and transparent elections in this country and the NYT should publish a correction immediately.
  • Self-Righteous, Holier-Than-Thou Hypocrite Politicians a Pathological Scourge on This Country:
    • Anti-gay marriage, family values, ultra-conservative RW hypocrite Gov. Mark Sanford admits adulterous relationship in Argentina (americablog with video admission - thinkprogress - bradblog)
    • FAUX News Yet Once More Falsely Labels The Offender As a Democrat - Or, Welcome to the Way Faux Does Business (tpzoo - bradblog)
    • Speaking of Holier-Than-Thou Hypocrite Politicians, How Long Will It Be Till We Hear That the Establishment's Golden Boy Protector In Shining Armor Has Lost Control of HIS Zipper As His Democratic Predecessor Did? Counting . . . . .
  • Power Elites' Synthetic A-H1N1 Flu Could Turn Into a Killer:
    • Hybrid A/H1N1 flu tied to genetic trigger for larger, mutated version (onlinejournal)
  • The Struggle Now 40 Years Old:
    • Stonewall (and the Black Cat) — Happy Anniversary, Gay Rights Movement (firedoglake with video)
    • Tossed under the bus by Obama, individual gays speak their mind (americablog)
    • DNC Gay Fundraiser Still Hemorrhaging Key Participants - Now It's Howard Dean (americablog)
  • Obama, Too Scared of Losing RW Votes - So Throw the Gays Under the Bus:
    • Obama won't use executive power to end gay discharges -- despite request from 77 members of Congress (americablog)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Noctilucent Clouds Over Germany (apod)