Sunday, June 21, 2009

  • Our Liberal Media:
    • Sibel Edmonds: The Forbidden Apple of the US Press (123realchange)
  • WH Stooping Pretty Low to Pressure Gay Leaders into Turning the Gay ATM Back On:
    • White House Ratchets Up the Pressure on A-List Gays (firedoglake) "I know many of these people and their commitment to ending DADT and DOMA is sincere, and having their livelihoods (and those of the people who work for them) threatened if they don't intervene on behalf of the White House is truly low politics."
    • Move Over, Sister Souljah (sfbaytimes) "So thanks for nothing. Obama is the chagrined husband who thinks a bunch of flowers will excuse an infidelity. And to make it worse, instead of roses from the florist, he picks up wilted daisies from the drugstore. --Mike Rogers"
  • Health Care Reform or Continued Corporate Welfare for the Insurance and Health Care Industries:
    • How Obama Is Killing Health Reform (commondreams) -- Obama has incompetently allowed the Republicons to define the terms of the debate, giving them a major advantage.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Longest Northern Day of the Year (apod)