Saturday, June 20, 2009

06-20-09 again
  • Seeing the Matrix Clearly - Bush III Is Running the Oval Office:
    • McClatchy Newspapers: In stark legal turnaround, Obama now resembles Bush (mcclatchydc) "President Barack Obama is morphing into George W. Bush, as administration attorneys repeatedly adopt the executive-authority and national-security rationales that their Republican predecessors preferred."
    • Bill Maher Follows Up Last Week's Obama Slam: 'Democrats are the New Republicans' (bradblog with video)
  • So Far to Go As a Species And So Little Time - Perhaps Human Extinction By Global Broiling Will Be a Blessing for This Abused Planet:
    • No Matter Who Is President of Iran, They Would Stone Me (commondreams)
  • Steal That Election:
    • With 'Friends' Like This: Another Guilty Plea in Clay County, KY, Election Fraud Conspiracy Case (bradblog) "Man charged with lying to officials about sending threatening photo showing gun to head of witnesses 'friended' on MySpace..."
  • Obama's Betrayal of Gays - The Fallout Continues:
    • Anderson Cooper, Richard Socarides & Dustin Lance Black On Obama's Same-Sex Cop-Out (americablog)
  • Bankrupt MSM:
    • Life After Guantanamo: Why the Media's Happy-Ending Narrative Is Totally Bankrupt (alternet)
    • What MSM Won't Show Us: New Film Chronicles Civilian Slaughter in Afghanistan (alternet) "See how these attacks have been devastating to U.S. credibility."
  • Wingnutology Watch:
    • 9 Conservative Myths About Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism (alternet) "This is terrorism we're dealing with. We can't afford to let ourselves be distracted by spin. It's time to set the record straight with the facts."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Galaxy Group HCG 87 (apod)