Friday, June 19, 2009

  • White Privilege In a Predominantly Non-White World:
    • Keynote: Tim Wise - On White Privilege (freespeech)
  • Obama's DoJ As Repressive And Ugly As Bush's:
    • Supreme Court denies due process to prisoners, Obama sides with Bush & court's conservative majority (americablog - nytimes) "We are also puzzled and disturbed by the Obama administration’s decision to side with Alaska in this case — continuing the Bush administration’s opposition to recognizing a right to access physical evidence for post-conviction DNA testing. Thursday’s ruling will inevitably allow some innocent people to languish in prison without having the chance to definitively prove their innocence and with the state never being completely certain of their guilt."
    • Obama's DOJ: We Can't Release Cheney Records Because Of Late Night Comedy (huffingtonpost) -- These guys must have been taking stupidity lessons from Sarah Palin to come up with such ludicrous crap. They out to be fired outright. First year law students could do better.
  • Obama's Betrayal of Gays - The Fallout Continues:
    • Obama admin refused to work with gay lawyers to solve supposed DOMA health benefits problem (theplumline - americablog)
      • Obama admin rebuffed gay legal groups on DOMA, Part II (americablog) -- DoJ claims the Plum Line story is wrong. The only problem with that is: the story's not wrong.
      • Justice Dept. will meet next week with gay rights groups on DOMA (thinkprogress)
      • A meeting, a conference call - finally, but ". . . if you want the attention of the Obama White House, you have to play hard ball. For the LGBT community, among other things, that means shutting down the Gay ATM." (americablog)
    • Obama's Gay Rights Clusterfuck, Ctd (andrewsullivan) -- Is Obama's LGBT goal to drive gays away?
    • Angry Gay Democrats Pull Support For DNC (cbsnews) -- More Gay Donors Drop Out of DNC Fundraiser, Protesting Justice Department Brief (abcnews)
    • More Fallout Over the Obama Admin's Pro-DOMA Brief (newsweek)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Star Forming Region LH 95 (apod)