Sunday, June 14, 2009

  • Treason and High Crimes:
    • CIA chief Panetta believes Cheney almost wants US attacked (reuters) -- Is Darth Vader longing for the adrenalin rush of his old 9/11 bunker, pushing all the buttons and pulling all the strings to ensure our complete lack of effective U.S. military defense against that coup d'etat?
  • One Congress, Bought and Paid For:
    • Senators who opposed tobacco bill received top dollar from industry (mcclatchydc) -- Three Republican leaders got the most payola, while a Dem came in for a trailing fourth place.
  • Steal That Vote!
    • Video of Americans in D.C. Violently Protesting the Stolen 2000 and 2004 U.S. Elections (youtube - washingtonmonthly) -- Oops, my mistake. Americans would never do that. This only happens in countries that care enough about their freedoms to fight for them. We don't suffer enough yet here to risk such angry protest against our government's criminality. Yawn, I think I'll go watch some more reality TV.
  • MIC - Obama's War Profiteers Killing Afghan Civilians - They're Only 'Collateral Damage' in an 'Honorable Endeavor':
    • Afghan villagers slain as they took cover (timesonline) -- But we made amends. Wow! We paid $2,000 for each death and $1,000 for each injury. How would those payments stand up in unlawful death and injury cases in the United States?
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Stars at the Galactic Center (apod) -- There are so many stars huddled at the galactic center, one would never experience the darkness of nighttime.