Thursday, June 18, 2009

  • Barack Obama, brilliant as he is said to be, is just too inexperienced for the job he now wakes up to each morning - maybe he would be ready in another 10 years or so, but not at this callow point in his life. What we voted into office is a master orator who hasn't yet been forced to develop the moral courage of his own self-proclaimed convictions--more and more seen merely as a dishonest and cynical rhetorical device only for winning votes. Many of us who voted for him did so, not because we trusted his claims, but to end the monstrous death grip the Republicans had on this country, continually tightening their coils and squeezing the breath out of democracy. We are not surprised that what we elected is a good teleprompter reader who happens to have a brilliant speech writer. But we still expect President Obama to keep his promises. What we see instead are backpedaling, betrayal, broken promises, lies and the spectacle of Obama actually out-Bushing George W. Bush himself. If it weren't so tragic for the U.S. and the world, it could make for good comedy.
  • Continued Gay Outrage Over Obama's Insults, Lies And Almost Non-Existent Support:
    • Gays furious at Obama, DOJ (bayareareporter)
    • Andrew Sullivan declares war on the DNC (americablog with video Aravosis interview - andrewsullivan)
    • Of Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin, and old wineskin (americablog)
    • Outcry on Federal Same-Sex Benefits (nytimes)
    • Gay tsunami slams Obama (wockner)
    • CBS News reports on Obama's temporary crumbs tossed to gays (cbs)
    • S.O.S. (indegayforum) -- Obama's grandiose generosity benefits the 3% that are homosexual of the 2% of Americans who are federal employees and excludes the benefit that makes the biggest difference in peoples lives--health insurance.
    • Obama's mini-me benefits memo a very small step in the right direction (nytimes)
    • The least he could do (volokh)
  • Bushies Still in Power to Sabotage Progressive Effort:
    • Bush political appointees serving in Obama administration appoint GOP cronies to senior civil service jobs (onlinejournal) ". . . in the politicization of HHS, it appears as if Obama was aiding and abetting in the establishment of a cadre of GOP civil servants at HHS who will ensure that the president’s much-touted universal health care proposal is 'dead on arrival.'"
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers:
    • Former Cheney Assassination Team Leader Now Obama's Top Man in Afghanistan - Will Not Kill Less Afghan Civilians, But Will Blame Those Deaths on Taliban Instead - OR - Why Change Your Tactics When You Can Merely Change Your Propaganda? (ips)
    • Scahill: How About a New FB/Twitter App for Victims of US War Crimes? (rebelreports)
  • Steal That Vote - GOP Continually Screams About ACORN, That Did Nothing Wrong, While Their Own Are Guilty As Sin - Typical Behavior:
    • Head of California GOP Voter Registration Firm Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud (bradblog) -- Complicit media fail to mention that he was "hired by the California Republican Party to head up their voter registration efforts in the state."
    • Biden suddenly finds his voice about stolen elections now that it's Iran whose election has been stolen (onlinejournal) -- 2000 and 2004 Bushie election thefts - Biden silent.
    • Watch the excellent video 'Free For All!' about the 2000 and 2004 stolen elections ( 1hr 36min) -- The Republican Party should be outlawed because of this alone.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • NGC 6240: Merging Galaxies (apod)