Wednesday, June 17, 2009

  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • Obama’s Financial Overhaul — More Like a Tune-Up (firedoglake) "Obama’s plans didn’t even come close" to an overhaul.
  • Angry, Courageous Iranians Protest Their George W. Bush Election:
  • Spineless Man of Little Substance, Just Pretty Rhetoric That Is Written For Him - Obama's Tokenism And Lies When Gays Threaten to Shut Off their DNC ATM:
    • They're lying about DOMA too (americablog - americablog label "gay")
    • Certain Gay "Leaders" Give Obama Cover in Latest Outrage (americablog)
    • Gay Rep. Barney Frank now spouting WH talking points and says he's comfortable with the DOMA brief's language that compares gay relationships to incest and sex with underage children. (americablog) "Never ever underestimate the ability or willingness of a member of Congress of either party to screw his people for a better offer. HRC attends the White House ceremony, Barney Frank lauds a brief comparing us to pedophilia and incest."
  • Obama, the War President - Democrats, the Party of War:
    • Scahill: Shame: The 'Anti-War' Democrats Who Sold Out (alternet) "In a historic vote, only 30 of 256 Democrats stood against $100 billion for more war."
  • Obama - Man of Many Shams - Gay Temporary Benefit Crumbs Memorandum Is a Mere Smokescreen To Try To Obscure His Blatant Bigotry, Cowardice And Broken Promises to Gays - It's So Much More Important To Keep His RW Homophobes Happy - Who Are the Next Group To Be Tossed Under His Bus of Political Expediency? - What Will You Do When It's Your Turn?
    • Aravosis at Salon on President Shame on You (salon)
    • Gibbs: President stands behind incest/pedophilia brief (americablog) "Yes, God forbid [that] our president [would] distance himself from a brief that argues that gay and lesbian marriages are akin to incest and pedophilia. I ask again, who is advising these people?"
    • More on Obama's gay crumbs scam: Obama giving federal agencies a right they already have? (americablog) "The answer, "yes." So what's new about tonight? Obama is going to 'tell' the agencies to give the benefits - as if any agency in the Obama administration would dare tell a gay employee no to a request for time off to attend their partner's funeral?"
    • White House admits Obama "benefits" speech simply political ploy, plan still being created after it was already announced (americablog)
    • Obama admin's (lame) fed partner benefits plan designed to stop DNC fundraiser disaster (pamshouseblend)
    • Obama Reaches For Low-Hanging Fruit (dansavage) "Don't fall for it."
    • Some Federal Employees Are More Equal Than Others (dansavage) "This is worse than insulting. This is outrageous—a fresh outrage on top of the DOMA betrayal last week. Fuck the Obama administration. That DNC fundraiser next week has to be shut down."
    • Democrats To Gay Americans: Fuck You. Now Write Us a Check (dansavage)
    • Are You For Real, President Obama? (signorile)
    • Obama won't issue executive order, won't include health benefits (americablog - americablog label "gay") -- Obama is tossing out a few meager crumbs, hoping angry gays will be taken in by it.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • M13: A Great Globular Cluster of Stars (apod)