Saturday, July 4, 2009

  • Global Broiling:
    • Sea Ice At Lowest Level In 800 Years Near Greenland (sciencedaily)
  • Palin, Stevens, Abramoff, Cunningham - Not much difference among crooks except in the amounts of money and who gets hurt?
    • Did an embezzlement scandal force Sarah Palin to resign? (thinkprogress) -- Looking a lot like Stevens, who got off only on a technicality because the DoJ bungled their prosecution.
  • Obama's political cowardice will come at a price to the Democratic Party in 2010 and to him personally in 2012. There's been just too much bait and switch for any other outcome to occur. Obama has proven very clearly his own challenged sense of ethics.
    • Brutal murder of gay sailor increasingly looking suspicious, while Obama DOD (surprise) does nothing (americablog) "Obama administration investigators say it was just a random act of violence. Move right along." Of course they say that. If they took it seriously, this cowardly administration might have to take meaningful action on underlying causes.
  • Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?
    • This July 4th, Rebel and Agitate for Change (alternet) "Agitators created America, and it's their feisty spirit and outright rebelliousness that we celebrate on our national holiday. . . . Were it not for agitators, we wouldn't even have an America. The Fourth of July would be just another hot day, we'd be singing 'God Save the Queen,' and our government officials would be wearing white-powdered wigs. . . . And when the establishment derisively assails you as an agitator, remember this: The agitator is the center post in the washing machine that gets the dirt out."
    • A greener 4th of July (thinkprogress) "According to a 2009 article in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, 'the amount of perchlorate' from local fireworks displays 'in nearby bodies of water could increase by anywhere from 24 to 1,068 times the amount present before the fireworks, and that it takes 20 to 80 days for the chemical levels to subside.' When ingested, perchlorate can hinder the thyroid’s production of growth hormones."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Mount Rushmore's Starry Night (apod)

Friday, July 3, 2009

  • The Greatest Theft of in History:
    • Krugman: That 30's Show (nytimes) Uh-oh, things aren't working out very well. More stimulus is definitely needed and we could be headed for a Japanese style deflation .
  • Like Bush's Over-the-Top Customized Definition of Torture:
    • Purity of Federal 'Organic' Label Is Questioned (wapo) "Grated organic cheese, for example, contains wood starch to prevent clumping. Organic beer can be made from non-organic hops. Organic mock duck contains a synthetic ingredient that gives it an authentic, stringy texture. . . . 'This is illegal rulemaking -- a complete violation of the process that is supposed to protect the public,' said Gary Cox, a lawyer with the Cornucopia Institute, an organics advocacy group."
  • Obama allowing environmental disaster:
    • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: A President Breaks Hearts in Appalachia (wapo) "Mountaintop removal coal mining is the worst environmental tragedy in American history. . . . Instead of acting to enforce these laws, administration officials indicated last month that they will allow more than 100 permits to go forward while they carefully review their regulatory options. If they act accordingly, the ruined landscapes of Appalachia will be Obama's legacy. . . . Obama has the authority to end mountaintop removal, without further action from Congress and without formal rulemaking. He just needs to make the coal barons obey the law."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Perihelion and Aphelion (apod)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

  • Obama, 'fierce' supporter of gay civil rights - sure.
    • The new Obama talking points don't even include DOMA and Don't Ask Don't Tell as priorities any longer (americablog) -- Or is this an implied threat against the gay community that is now pissed off and beginning to raise hell? Well, whether or not that is the case, I believe it is time to start raising hell all over the nation so the spineless Dems and occupants of the Oval Office cannot fail to keep the promises they made to get our campaign support and money.
  • Yet more NSA intrusion into our private lives:
    • Madsen: US to conduct unprecedented surveillance over Internet (rt video) -- George Orwell, move over.
  • India decides to join the 21st century:
    • Indian court: Gay sex is legal (cnnwire - guardian/uk) -- I guess that means that all of those Indian men who have at one time or another had man sex (estimated at 1/3 of all Indian men) are no longer criminals. Now that's what I call one damn good way to get criminals off the streets. Of course the major religious leaders (Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh), like pro-fascist religious scam artists everywhere, want the law to remain just as it has been since the British imposed it on India during colonial rule.
  • Another casualty of spineless wonders Obama's and Dems' political homophobia:
    • As gay discharges continue at the rate of two a day under DADT, sailor is murdered (rawstory - thinkprogress) -- Harassed Navy seaman, afraid to tell his supervisor he was gay and being harassed, is murdered. That should be another proud notch on your belt, President Obama.
  • Global Broiling and Those Profiting From It:
    • ExxonMobil Continuing to Fund Climate Sceptic Groups, Records Show (guardian/uk) "Records show ExxonMobil gave hundreds of thousands of pounds to lobby groups that have published 'misleading and inaccurate information' about climate change"
    • US, Canada Rank Last in Curbing Warming, Report on G-8 Says (reuters) "While there might be a bailout possibility for the financial system, no amounts of money will save the planet once climate change crosses the danger threshold,"
  • More of what U.S. foreign policy does best:
    • While the U.S. Dilly Dallies on Honduras, We Continue to Support a Right-Wing Thug in Colombia (alternet)
  • Religious Wrong Lunatics' Greatest Contribution to Their Teenage Victims:
    • Unprotected Sex: Abstinence Education's Main Accomplishment (alternet) "But now we have sad and clear evidence that political foolishness among adults is leading to foolish and harmful behavior among kids." The result is increased teenage pregnancy and "tragically diminished futures and early deaths" [from HIV] "among a generation that shouldn't be condemned to such suffering." -- The Roman Catholic Church and many of its evangelical protestant grandchildren throughout the world have done everything in their power to make kids think condoms don't work and won't protect them -- an outright lie that innumerable studies have proven is a lie. Obama has taken only the first step in correcting this scam.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Lyman Alpha Blob (apod)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

  • MIC - Obama implementing Bush's plan for Iraq and taking the risk if it blows up:
    • Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now!: Obama Implements Bush Policy in Iraq (commondreams)
  • Steal That Vote!
    • Rep. Holt, Still Misrepresenting Contents of Controversial Election Reform Bill (bradblog) "A week later, the 'paper of record' fails to correct egregious 'paper ballots' error in endorsement editorial - Democratic Congressman's own website touts endorsement, repeats same fictitious information about bill..."
  • Fort Worth Police Chief, behaving like a good old boy without his sheet and hood, lies about gays groping raiding cops. Here's a fact for that lunatic -- it would never happen - gays are not that dumb:
    • Fort Worth Police Chief: That Faggot Had It Coming (dansavage) -- Trying to hide behind gay stereotypes and pushing the 'gay panic' defense at an uninformed public naive about gay bars, police were so brutal one 26-yr-old victim may yet die from their savagery. When will they claim the 'twinkie defense'? Even though the Chief claims several customers groped the cops, not ONE single charge of sexual assault was filed against any of those customers, only charges of public drunkenness. It's obvious the cops are lying, and they deserve prison time for what their brutal assault. -- Read the latest on the bar raid at the Star-Telegram.
  • Obama tosses another ever-so-tiny crumb to the queers, instead of just keeping his oh-so-fervent promises:
    • Gates says he wants to "soften" gay expulsion rules (yahoo - americablog) -- Whoopee Doo! so if another soldier has it in for me and outs me, maybe, maybe they won't have to fire me. That's really progress any queer can believe in. This bullshit is being pedaled to the media after gays have gotten sick and tired of Obama's foot-dragging and then his blatantly over-the-top legal brief in defense of DOMA, which he had earlier promised to repeal. This while two soldiers a day, including honorable career soldiers like West Point Arabic linguist Lt. Dan Choi and $25-million-trained war hero Lt. Colonel Victor Fehrenbach unceremoniously get kicked out of the military. Watch the videos on these two honorable and invaluable victims of Obama's political homophobia.
    • DNC may have lied about $1m take from fundraiser; DNC insider says blogs are right on party's intentions towards gays (americablog - pam - pam - signorile) -- May have taken in as little as $200,000 but lie about it instead. No big plans for gay civil rights till after 2012 election! -- Why even then? There's another pesky election in 2014, than another in 2016. Gays are going to have to raise hell nationwide and continuously if there is going to be any substantive improvement in civil rights. Obama and the Democrats obviously don't care about them, except their political dollars, now that they have had their roll in the hay with them on the way to the White House.
    • Olberman: Obama ‘is god damned wrong’ on ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ (rawstory video)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Three Galaxies in Draco (apod)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

  • US filling up with often defective and sometimes lethal Chinese junk:
    • Chinese makers of shoddy goods rarely face U.S. sanctions (mcclatchydc) -- Far from being the only trafficker in this junk, remember, WalMart controls over 700 factories in China and NONE in the United States.
  • By continuing Bush policies, Obama is slowly nudging the US closer and closer to an eventual dictatorship:
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • The Great Bank Robbery: How the Federal Reserve is destroying America (rt)
  • Center-right Obama staff bullying progressives to vote according to the President's wishes, but will they apply the same pressure to Blue Dogs who will impede progressive legislation? -- not very likely:
    • Greenwald: Creepy, revealing quote from White House staffer (salon)
  • Our 'Liberal' Media:
    • Chris Hedges: The Corporate Media State Has Deformed American Culture -- Time to Fight Back (alternet) "Progressives must embrace emotion and passion to counter the force of corporate propaganda."
  • How much deeper a hole will Obama dig for himself as accomplice in Bush's crimes?
    • Greenwald: The suppressed fact: deaths by U.S. torture (salon) "The interrogation and detention regime implemented by the U.S. resulted in the deaths of over 100 detainees in U.S. custody -- at least. While some of those deaths were the result of 'rogue' interrogators and agents, many were caused by the methods authorized at the highest levels of the Bush White House . . . ." -- For this mass murder, the Bush Gang who devised and authorized this torture should be made to dangle, to kick at the air just as they did to Saddam Hussein—after a trial just as quick and fair as was Saddam's. -- How much of the incriminating information in the report will Bush Gang Protector-in-Chief Barack Obama allow to be released to the public domain? How much more implicated in these murders will Obama make himself by illegally hiding the Bush crimes in a veil of secrecy in violation of national law and international treaty?
    • Madsen: Bush supplied Afghan insurgents for ‘Al Qaeda’ in Iraq (onlinejournal - rt video) -- " . . . United States intelligence services imported Afghan mercenaries into Iraq in order to attack Iraqi civilians and military personnel, as well as coalition forces, including U.S. service personnel. The Afghans were recruited from Taliban ranks and were paid for their services in Iraq." -- For Bush I and Bush II, it's anything goes, including pure, unadulterated treason. Will Bush III fill his two predecessors' shoes as well?
  • An Afternoon With the Cowardly Lion:
    • Gay America's Afternoon in the White House (huffpost) "The Obama Administration assembled a group of two hundred or more of America's well-heeled leaders for equality, but like little doggies most were wide-eyed at his feet. . . . I heard platitudes, cracked promises, and disappointments. Still, the crowd cheered for more. . . . Today's address left me wanting. The pain experienced by homosexuals is deadly tragic. Annually, thousands of American children kill themselves due to the bigotry pervasive across America."
  • Honduras Elite Really Pissed Enough to Stage a Coup Against a President of the People - Obama Discretely Distances Himself, But US Operated School of the Americas' Fingerprints Are All Over It (The US Doesn't Like Lefties Running Central and South American Countries - It's Not Good for US Exploitation of Their Resources):
    • Showdown in Honduras: The Rise, Repression and Uncertain Future of the Coup (upsidedownworld)
  • Coal and Electric Utility Companies Wrecking the Environment and Endangering People:
    • EPA list shows dangerous coal ash sites found in 10 states (mcclatchydc)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • The North America and Pelican Nebulae (apod)

Monday, June 29, 2009

  • Thanks, Obama and other Democrat cowards, this is the kind of shit your political homophobia produces:
    • Ft. Worth cops raid a gay bar in Texas on the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising (thinkprogress - pam) -- Too bad the patrons didn't feel like mass martyrdom and fight back viciously as they did at Stonewall 40 years ago. Some might have been badly injured or even killed, given how modern police now behave. Many would have incurred legal costs. The media would have had a feeding frenzy. Obama just might have been shamed sufficiently into finally keeping his thus-far broken promises of equality in gay civil rights.
  • MIC - Bush III - U.S. Empire Meddling After Global Economic Collapse - Violence and Chaos Propagate Further, Just As They Did Prior to Hitler's Emergence:
    • A Few Thoughts on the Coup in Honduras (scahill - madsen video - democracynow - counterpunch) - Madsen: "As far as I can tell, this could be called President Obama's maiden coup, and unless he does something more proactively to put President Zelaya back in power, I believe President Obama owns this coup. . . . This looks like a very classic School of the Americas initiated type of coup."
  • Global Broiling: Paul Krugman Too Politely Greatly Understates His Case:
    • Betraying the Planet (nytimes) "The fact is that the planet is changing faster than even pessimists expected: ice caps are shrinking, arid zones spreading, at a terrifying rate. And according to a number of recent studies, catastrophe — a rise in temperature so large as to be almost unthinkable — can no longer be considered a mere possibility. It is, instead, the most likely outcome if we continue along our present course. . . . Still, is it fair to call climate denial a form of treason? Isn’t it politics as usual? Yes, it is — and that’s why it’s unforgivable."
  • They Love Us, They Love Us - for Obama's Mass Murder of Innocents Via Videogame Drones:
    • Thousands of Pakistanis Hold Anti-US Rally (presstv)
  • While the Corporate Elite rake it in:
    • Chris Hedges: The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free (truthdig)
  • Obama's Political Homophobia Just As Wrong Now As the Southern Baptist Church's Bigotry Against Mixed-Race Marriage at the Time His Parents Married:
    • Obama's Stance on Same-Sex Marriage Puts Him on the Wrong Side of History (alternet)
    • Obama and the big gay party (americablog - mercurynews) -- Gay sycophants flocked to Obama's free champaign and sweet nothings party honoring at least in word the heroes who started the gay liberation movement. What we need now is not a lot more empty promises and stabs in the back from Obama, but a lot more of that original spirit and anger of the Stonewall heroes—and ACTIONS—throughout the nation, directed at those who stand in the way of full gay civil rights NOW, beginning at the top of the food chain, the man reading the teleprompter at this afternoon's mutual masturbation fest, and his Democrat underlings in Congress. Obama's paltry attempts—such as this party and his much vaunted temporary memorandum granting some tiny, very tiny percent of Americans (certain gay federal employees) a few small temporary perks that were already available at their superiors' discretion—are little more than a cynical effort on his part to assuage some rich gay former contributors who are now enraged over his recent DOMA defense brief, which went so far in its legal arguments in support of DOMA that those same arguments can now be used in the future to deny gays the rights Obama claims he wants them to have. What a hypocrite and liar! He says, "you guys will be pleased with the changes by the end of my administration." He has absolutely NO CREDIBILITY left with a lot of former supporters, this one included. What I expect him to say to gays instead at the end of his administration is "Oops, missed that one, didn't I. Well, see ya around." So there is every reason to demand action NOW. Later could otherwise mean never.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Kaguya Spacecraft Crashes into the Moon (apod video)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

  • Time for a Second Stonewall - No shit, and this time, nationwide.
    • 40 Years Later, Still Second-Class Americans (nytimes - americablog) "No president possesses that magic wand, but Obama’s inaction on gay civil rights is striking. So is his utterly uncharacteristic inarticulateness. The Justice Department brief defending DOMA has spoken louder for this president than any of his own words on the subject." -- Obama is behaving so freakishly on this matter that one has to wonder if, like so many Republicon gay-bashing hypocrites who secretly have double lives their twisted minds think they can thus protect, he would feel very uncomfortable looking like he was actually doing something significant to bring equity to gay civil rights. Or is it Rahm Emanuel, the ballet dancer who is Obama's chief gate keeper, who has the issues? At any rate, this DoJ/WH treachery toward gay civil rights is doing a lot to show what a brazen liar and tool of the Establishment Obama really is. Oh, for an excellent competitor for his seat in 2012. But that is just useless wishful thinking. The Power Elite choose these guys, and no matter who follows him, the Elite will win and the nation will lose.
  • Separating Symptoms From Main Causes:
    • Sibel Edmonds: A Main Cause - The Gate-Keepers of the Revolving Doors (123realchange)
      • Edmonds: The Highjacking of a Nation (nswbc Part 1 - Part 2)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Fresh Tiger Stripes on Saturn's Enceladus (apod)