Saturday, July 4, 2009

  • Global Broiling:
    • Sea Ice At Lowest Level In 800 Years Near Greenland (sciencedaily)
  • Palin, Stevens, Abramoff, Cunningham - Not much difference among crooks except in the amounts of money and who gets hurt?
    • Did an embezzlement scandal force Sarah Palin to resign? (thinkprogress) -- Looking a lot like Stevens, who got off only on a technicality because the DoJ bungled their prosecution.
  • Obama's political cowardice will come at a price to the Democratic Party in 2010 and to him personally in 2012. There's been just too much bait and switch for any other outcome to occur. Obama has proven very clearly his own challenged sense of ethics.
    • Brutal murder of gay sailor increasingly looking suspicious, while Obama DOD (surprise) does nothing (americablog) "Obama administration investigators say it was just a random act of violence. Move right along." Of course they say that. If they took it seriously, this cowardly administration might have to take meaningful action on underlying causes.
  • Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?
    • This July 4th, Rebel and Agitate for Change (alternet) "Agitators created America, and it's their feisty spirit and outright rebelliousness that we celebrate on our national holiday. . . . Were it not for agitators, we wouldn't even have an America. The Fourth of July would be just another hot day, we'd be singing 'God Save the Queen,' and our government officials would be wearing white-powdered wigs. . . . And when the establishment derisively assails you as an agitator, remember this: The agitator is the center post in the washing machine that gets the dirt out."
    • A greener 4th of July (thinkprogress) "According to a 2009 article in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, 'the amount of perchlorate' from local fireworks displays 'in nearby bodies of water could increase by anywhere from 24 to 1,068 times the amount present before the fireworks, and that it takes 20 to 80 days for the chemical levels to subside.' When ingested, perchlorate can hinder the thyroid’s production of growth hormones."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Mount Rushmore's Starry Night (apod)