Wednesday, July 1, 2009

  • MIC - Obama implementing Bush's plan for Iraq and taking the risk if it blows up:
    • Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now!: Obama Implements Bush Policy in Iraq (commondreams)
  • Steal That Vote!
    • Rep. Holt, Still Misrepresenting Contents of Controversial Election Reform Bill (bradblog) "A week later, the 'paper of record' fails to correct egregious 'paper ballots' error in endorsement editorial - Democratic Congressman's own website touts endorsement, repeats same fictitious information about bill..."
  • Fort Worth Police Chief, behaving like a good old boy without his sheet and hood, lies about gays groping raiding cops. Here's a fact for that lunatic -- it would never happen - gays are not that dumb:
    • Fort Worth Police Chief: That Faggot Had It Coming (dansavage) -- Trying to hide behind gay stereotypes and pushing the 'gay panic' defense at an uninformed public naive about gay bars, police were so brutal one 26-yr-old victim may yet die from their savagery. When will they claim the 'twinkie defense'? Even though the Chief claims several customers groped the cops, not ONE single charge of sexual assault was filed against any of those customers, only charges of public drunkenness. It's obvious the cops are lying, and they deserve prison time for what their brutal assault. -- Read the latest on the bar raid at the Star-Telegram.
  • Obama tosses another ever-so-tiny crumb to the queers, instead of just keeping his oh-so-fervent promises:
    • Gates says he wants to "soften" gay expulsion rules (yahoo - americablog) -- Whoopee Doo! so if another soldier has it in for me and outs me, maybe, maybe they won't have to fire me. That's really progress any queer can believe in. This bullshit is being pedaled to the media after gays have gotten sick and tired of Obama's foot-dragging and then his blatantly over-the-top legal brief in defense of DOMA, which he had earlier promised to repeal. This while two soldiers a day, including honorable career soldiers like West Point Arabic linguist Lt. Dan Choi and $25-million-trained war hero Lt. Colonel Victor Fehrenbach unceremoniously get kicked out of the military. Watch the videos on these two honorable and invaluable victims of Obama's political homophobia.
    • DNC may have lied about $1m take from fundraiser; DNC insider says blogs are right on party's intentions towards gays (americablog - pam - pam - signorile) -- May have taken in as little as $200,000 but lie about it instead. No big plans for gay civil rights till after 2012 election! -- Why even then? There's another pesky election in 2014, than another in 2016. Gays are going to have to raise hell nationwide and continuously if there is going to be any substantive improvement in civil rights. Obama and the Democrats obviously don't care about them, except their political dollars, now that they have had their roll in the hay with them on the way to the White House.
    • Olberman: Obama ‘is god damned wrong’ on ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ (rawstory video)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Three Galaxies in Draco (apod)