Sunday, June 28, 2009

  • Time for a Second Stonewall - No shit, and this time, nationwide.
    • 40 Years Later, Still Second-Class Americans (nytimes - americablog) "No president possesses that magic wand, but Obama’s inaction on gay civil rights is striking. So is his utterly uncharacteristic inarticulateness. The Justice Department brief defending DOMA has spoken louder for this president than any of his own words on the subject." -- Obama is behaving so freakishly on this matter that one has to wonder if, like so many Republicon gay-bashing hypocrites who secretly have double lives their twisted minds think they can thus protect, he would feel very uncomfortable looking like he was actually doing something significant to bring equity to gay civil rights. Or is it Rahm Emanuel, the ballet dancer who is Obama's chief gate keeper, who has the issues? At any rate, this DoJ/WH treachery toward gay civil rights is doing a lot to show what a brazen liar and tool of the Establishment Obama really is. Oh, for an excellent competitor for his seat in 2012. But that is just useless wishful thinking. The Power Elite choose these guys, and no matter who follows him, the Elite will win and the nation will lose.
  • Separating Symptoms From Main Causes:
    • Sibel Edmonds: A Main Cause - The Gate-Keepers of the Revolving Doors (123realchange)
      • Edmonds: The Highjacking of a Nation (nswbc Part 1 - Part 2)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Fresh Tiger Stripes on Saturn's Enceladus (apod)