Saturday, May 2, 2009

  • Military-Industrial Profiteers:
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • Durbin: The Banks Own Washington - How It Works (buzzflash)
  • Bought-And-Paid-For Democrats (We Know All The Republicans Already Are):
    • Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) bows to the insurance industry (theseminal) -- Will oppose a "public option" in the health care program, saying, even though 2/3 of Americans want it, it would be so popular it would hurt insurance companies. Well, guess what, he received $608,709 from the insurance industry in 2007-2008, and that's the way politicians are bought and sold.
  • The Whale Galaxy (apod)

Friday, May 1, 2009

  • We'll Miss You, Sweetie - You gave us so very much.
  • A Little More Morford:
    • The Right goes insane - Evil overlords to flaccid clowns in the blink of Jesus' eye. Adorable! (sfgate)
  • Military Practicing to Take Over in Next Pandemic:
    • Will NorthCom take over in Swine Flu Outbreak? (progressive)
    • Little known fact about the 1918 flu pandemic: At first it came around like a normal flu, but next flu season it had gained in virulence and came back to kill tens of millions. If this present swine flu is in fact a man-made variety, as some believe, who knows what's next? Certainly between a very deep recession and a killer pandemic, a whole lot of factories would no longer be spewing their poisonous global warming fumes into the atmosphere. Could these events be the ultra-elites' rough-shod way of doing something to mitigate global broiling when politicians haven't the political will to do anything substantial?
  • Continuing the Bush Legacy - Bush Laughing Over His Coke:
    • Obama seems to be no improvement over George Bush when it comes to the “No Fly” list (progressive) -- Plane is diverted away from the U.S. because of fear of what a journalist passenger has written.
  • Torture the Torturers Instead:
    • Jeremy Scahill: New UN Report Shows the US Combo of Torture and Impunity Thrives in Iraqi Prisons (rebelreports)
  • Steal That Vote! - Poor Dumb Democrat Pols Don't Have a Clue About Election Integrity:
    • RNC Wants Court Okay for 'Vote Caging' Again (bradblog)
    • Private Corporations Running Elections Will First Steal Those Elections, Then Wreck Your Election System (bradblog)
  • Having Watched Convention City Militarized Police Brutalize Democratic Protesters, What Congeniality And Hospitality Will They More Likely Show Extremist Conservative Thugs in South Bend During Obama's Visit?
    • Violent anti-Obama groups arriving in South Bend (onlinejournal) "Notre Dame campus security has apparently accepted responsibility for Obama’s security during his visit to the campus (wow, I'm relieved already), although primary presidential security will be in the hands of the Secret Service." Better to treat it like a trip to Baghdad.
  • Those Lovable, Godlike Christians, Always Ready With Kindness and Charity:
    • Mormons Were At the Heart of Bush's Torture Policy (americablog)
  • Lyrid Meteor and Milky Way (apod)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

  • Those Wonderful Christians - More Likely to Torture You - So What's New?
    • Churchgoers more likely to back torture, survey finds (cnnwire)
  • Barred Spiral Galaxy M95 (apod)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

  • Hatemongers Gone Wild!
    • GOP Hysterical Over Hate Crimes Bill Because It Would Protect Gay People (thinkprogress)
  • Steal That Vote!
    • Landmark Civil Rights Law in Jeopardy? Court to Examine Whether Voting Rights Act Still Needed. (abcnews)
  • Phony War on Drugs (on the Poor):
  • Restore the Rule of Law!
    • Jeremy Scahill: What if Instead of the Nuremberg Trials There Was Only a Truth Commission? (commondreams)
    • Bush Then: 'War Crimes Will be Prosecuted...No Defense to Say, 'I was Just Following Orders'' (bradblog with video)
  • GRB 090423: The Farthest Explosion Yet Measured (apod) - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record (13 billion light years, just a tad over the Religious Wrong's 6,000 years) (

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

  • NGC 4565: Galaxy on the Edge (apod)

Monday, April 27, 2009

  • Go Green!
  • Swine Flu (A-H1N1) Spreading:
    • Wayne Madsen: New swine flu feared to be weaponized strain (onlinejournal) "Our Mexico City source said a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission “vectors” that suggest that the new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents."
  • Breaking Free From the Matrix, One Person at a Time:
  • The Biggest Theft of All Time:
    • Put Wealth on Trial (salon) "Congress needs to investigate the reasons behind the economic collapse -- the way Ferdinand Pecora probed the '29 market crash, and made tycoons confess their financial sins."
    • Geithner, as Member and Overseer, Forged Ties to Finance Club (nytimes)
    • Chris Hedges: Barack Obama has squandered his presidency (truthdig) "He had a fleeting moment to challenge the casino capitalism and financial recklessness of our economic and political elite. He could have orchestrated a state socialism that would have provided a safety net for tens of millions of Americans faced with dislocation and misery. The sums he has doled out to Wall Street could have been used to force companies to keep workers on the job or create new banks to open up credit. But he lacked the foresight and the courage to challenge entrenched power. And now we are headed down one of two frightening roads-massive deflation or hyperinflation."
  • Prometheus Creating Saturn Ring Streamers (apod)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

  • Swine Flu (A-H1N1) Spreading:
    • Obama response being handled by John Brennan, who helped cook up the CIA's torture policy (abcnews)
    • A couple journalists, one in Mexico and one in Jakarta, think it is a genetically engineered weaponized form (wmr) See also my 04-25-09 (WHO declares international) entry and 02-03-09-entry (Hiding China’s Bird).
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time - A Bright Spot:
    • British billionaires cut in half, super rich suffer in crisis (guardian) -- The have-a-lots have seldom been the friends of the exploited have-littles. It is class-warfare that has been raging since time immemorial by the rich against the poor and is the principal cause of so much of the world's suffering. So it's nice to see this headline.
  • Military-Industrial-Profiteers Doing What They Do Best:
    • Torture? It Probably Killed More Americans than 9/11 (independent/uk) "The reason why foreign fighters joined al-Qa'ida in Iraq was overwhelmingly because of abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and not Islamic ideology," says Major Matthew Alexander, who personally conducted 300 interrogations of prisoners in Iraq.
  • NGC 4676: When Mice Collide (apod) - Weekend Sky Show (spaceweather {click on image to enlarge})