Saturday, January 24, 2009

  • Right-Wing Hypocrisy Watch:
    • Can't Leave the Boys Alone: Disgraced religious right wacko and gay basher Ted Haggard had yet another long-term gay liaison--this one with a young church volunteer (yahoo/ap). How many more men are there who just haven't come forward yet? Haggard's church lied about it to the public and bought the young man off. Former head of the 30-million member National Evangelical Association, founder and former head pastor of the 14,000-member gay-bashing New Life Church, and sometimes credited with rallying evangelicals behind Bush during the 2004 election, Haggard pleads that he himself is the victim of his own gay experiences while growing up. Poor guy. Evangenitals blackballed the movie Kinsey and hate the Kinsey studies because they obliterate evangenital black-and-white, either-or thinking and show how widespread and natural same-sex attraction and contact actually are in the human species (wiki Kinsey Scale). However, since evangenitals are fantasy based and casually reject any science that conflicts with their fantasies, they can go on year after year raising money on the backs of the very gays they are persecuting, wildly claiming that homosexual behavior is merely a matter of improper 'lifestyle' choice, nothing inherent that can't be resolved by lifelong sexual abstinence, at the worst. Oh, is that all it takes? I suspect it is more nearly correct to say that evangenitalism is an improper 'lifestyle' choice that should be thoroughly repudiated and whose unfortunate victims should be reeducated as quickly as possible in the art of living in reality.
  • Incessant Fear Mongering: The sky will fall - if we release any of them from Gitmo, they'll rejoin al Qaeda to kill us (americablog) - terrorists breaking out of local U.S. prisons will murder you in your beds - terrorists in local prisons will indoctrinate the prison populations and they will then murder you in your beds - if we don't torture them they will surely get us - after plundering the Treasury for 8 years, how could we ever afford more money for domestic recovery - Rumsfeld: Oh, Henny-Penny. Code Red. Code Red.
  • Strategy Triangulate: Cozy up to popular Obama while criticizing the Democrat Congress. (washingtonindependent) They seem to forget that a large part of the reason voters rated Congress even lower than Bush was because of Republican obstructionism from 2006 to 2008. This transparent tactic will not obscure their real and continuing obstructionism.
  • Economy - Politicians at Work: Look Out Below!!
    • Stimulus Package Success or Failure could define Obama's term. (nytimes). Obama pandered to Republicans and sliced off 33% of the the stimulus package to provide tax cuts for working people and corporations, instead of using that money for mass transit infrastructure. I wouldn't predict this portends very well for the final outcome. $825 billion seems somewhat anemic compared to what would most likely be required to bring about the deep change this nation needs. Now Obama has trimmed that back to $550 billion and says it will provide the needed fiscal jolt within a year and a half.
      • Chief Obama Adviser Larry Summers Hates Infrastructure (thinkprogress) - Sounds like a great recipe for diluting the whole infrastructure/stimulus/jobs idea and just throwing more money at the bankers who brought on the mess. Isn't broad inclusion wonderful?
    • No New Oversight in TARP Round Two (washingtonindependent)
      • Senate Prepared to Trust Obama on Bailout (washingtonindependent) Big mistake. Do we have another irresponsible Congress and a king in the making?
  • Military-Industrial Complex: Israel/Palestinians - More of the Neocon Same
    • President Obama made his first substantive comments on the Middle East conflict since Israel’s attack on Gaza. Obama first mentioned his commitment to Israel’s security, without affirming his commitment to Palestinian security. He condemned Palestinian rocket attacks on southern Israeli towns, but did not criticize the US-backed Israeli bombings of densely populated Gaza. But in a departure from the Bush administration. He declared his sadness for the deaths on both sides--but without mentioning the fact that there were 1400 Palestinian deaths versus a dozen Israeli soldiers' deaths, 4 of which were from 'friendly fire'. Noam Chomsky, the 'father of modern linguistics,' calls Obama's remarks "deceitful" by claiming Israel had a right to use force to defend itself, when all Israel really had to do was cease its criminal behavior toward Palestinians and back off. Carter Center career diplomat calls Obama's stance a good first step. (democracynow). More change we can believe in. Not yet.
  • The Bubble Nebula (apod)

Friday, January 23, 2009

  • Flashback to Heroism: Colbert Roasts President Bush - 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner (
  • Bush "burrowers" are going to be a problem for years. (tpmdc)
  • Prison-Industrial Complex: Alternatives to Prison Protect the Community (commondreams)
  • Bush Watch: UN may prosecute Bush administration, regardless of US action (rawstory) - Tough talk, but I don't see the teeth.
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Get Afghanistan Right (washingtonindependent)
    • Did Obama set up Mitchell to fail in the Middle East? (onlinejournal)
      • Arabs Turn Skeptical About Obama in Wake of Gaza War (usnews)
    • Obama Picks Lobbyist William J. Lynn III as Pentagon No. 2 (nbcnewyork) - More change we can believe in.
      • A waiver to the new ethics rules regarding lobbyists was required on his behalf (msnbc).
    • The nuclear-free dream fades (guardian) - Barack Obama's pledges on proliferation and securing stockpiles are not as radical as they seem, and face some tough challenges
    • Bush's Phony War on Terror: Obama shuts network of CIA 'ghost prisons', bans renditions, torture; renewed US commitment to the Geneva convention (guardian)
      • Dennis Blair Says Army Field Manual to Apply to CIA ( - The manual outlines 19 legal interrogation techniques and forbids nine.
      • WSJ Insists Obama Is Leaving Door Open For A ‘Jack Bauer Exception’ To His Torture Ban (thinkprogress) - See also my 01-22-09 entry (Obama Orders CIA . . .)
      • What to Look For As the Obama Detention/Interrogation Review Process Proceeds (washingtonindependent)
    • Complete accountability should now be demanded for Bush's innumerable war profiteering contract companies, beginning with Haliburton and KBR. (armytimes - KBR electrocuted soldiers)
      • UPDATE 01-28-09: Democrat Senators Casey and Dorgan: KBR should be punished for its electrocutions of U.S. troops (armytimes) - Apply the China penalty--execute the company boss(es) in charge during the electrocutions.
  • Obama and Science:
    • AIDS Prevention/Reproductive Health: Obama plans to sign an executive order today reversing inhumane Republican "global gag rule." (google/ap)
    • Energy/Environment:
      • White House may put offshore drilling plan on hold (sciam) - Shortly after being sworn in on Tuesday, Obama ordered all federal agencies and departments to halt pending regulations until they can be reviewed by incoming staff.
      • Obama’s EPA Places Brakes On New Coal-Fired Power Plants (thinkprogress)
    • Economy/Science: How Obama Can Boost the Economy by Investing in Science (sciam)
    • Stem Cell Research: Green light for US stem cell work (bbc) - FDA has cleared the way for the world's first study on human embryonic stem cell therapy, overturning Bush's prohibition.
      • A primer on stem cells (cnn) - 100 Stories on Stem Cell Research (cnn)
    • Satellite's-Eye View of Pres. Obama's Inauguration (sciam slide show)
  • Global Warming:
    • Drought, heat killing trees in western N.America (discovermagazine)
    • 9 Ways NASA Can Tackle Climate Change (sciam)
  • Conflict of Interest:
    • Sen. Dianne Feinstein takes reins at Intelligence Committee (sfgate). This should be of further help to her billionaire husband Richard Blum's business ventures around the world.
    • Flashback 04-30-07: Feinstein’s Cardinal shenanigans (thehill)
  • A Step Back for Progressives:
    • Kirsten Gillibrand Appointed by Paterson for U.S. Senate (blooomberg)
    • NY Gov. David Patterson picks a blue dog conservative democrat(?) to replace Clinton. Wayne Barrett: Is Gillibrand Too Republican to Replace Clinton? (villagevoice). This may help Patterson in his reelection aspirations but will definitely hamper progressive movement in Congress. I had more respect for David Patterson than this selection deserves.
    • Barrett: Did Paterson Consider the Bruno Connection to Gillibrand's Dad? (villagevoice) - Bruno indicted today for corruption. (bloomberg)
    • Blue Dog Dem, with 100% NRA record, picked to replace Hillary (americablog)
  • Globular Cluster NGC 2419 (apod) - The "Intergalactic Wanderer"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

  • Amy Goodman: Push Obama to follow through on his peace vows (madison). Make him do it.
  • Robert Fisk: So Far, Obama's Missed The Point on Gaza... (theindependent)
  • Ecologists Warn the Planet Is Running Short of Water (timesonline)
  • Now it comes out: Obama scrapped funding for mass transit projects in order to pander to GOP with more wasteful tax cuts (thinkprogress). Watered down the infrastructure economic stimulus package by 40% with tax cuts. See also my entry 01-05-09 (Two-Thirds of . . .)
  • Time to Bleep Rush Limbaugh from Armed Forces Network (AFN) (thinkprogress). Sounding more and more like Tokyo Rose.
  • How About Repealing the Global Gag Rule (undispatch)
    • Five Former USAID Officials Ask Obama for Leadership on Family Planning (prnewswire)
    • Obama to overturn global gag rule ‘in one of his first acts’ (courant). Evangenital anti-choicers encouraged by Obama's postponement in overturning the global gag rule today, his not linking it to the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
  • Obama Orders CIA Secret Prisons Shut Down As Expeditiously As Possible and Guantánamo Prison Within a Year (nytimes). However, could allow for reinstatement of CIA's imprisonment and interrogation operations in the future by executive order -- or 'additional interrogation techniques' for high-value prisoners. See also my entry 01-19-09 (Obama, The Crawford . . .)
  • Obama orders transparency:
    • Obama limits ex-presidents' discretion on records (google). It seems that it would be a good idea to replace the Bush appointees who oversee the National Archives and document declassification -- or certain documents may never see the light of day regardless.
    • Obama issues executive order making it easier to get information through FOIA (washingtonpost - sunlightfoundation)
  • BushCo wrecking crew:
    • Bush's Midnight Regulations Changes (buzzflash)
      • Obama team moves quickly to undo "midnight regulations" designed to relax environmental rules (businessgreen)
    • Countdown: NSA Surveillance Far Vaster Than Admitted; Targeted Regular Citizens and Journalists (crooksandliars)
  • Only a Landslide Election Is Theft-Proof (Kennedy/Palast rollingstone). Will Obama wake up to the fact that a landslide is the only thing that got him into the Oval Office? Unless he fixes the US electoral system, can he count on a 2nd landslide? Not likely after all the suffering Americans will have to endure during the next four years because of Bush and his pals, coupled with our conservative-biased corporate media ever nipping at his ankles. The GOP election thieves were hard at it again last year and cost Obama probably half of his real lead over McCain/Palin. How many in congress were placed there solely because of those election thieves? Georgia might be a good place to begin that list.
  • China: Life imprisonment and death sentence for those at center of tainted milk scandal (nytimes). An idea we definitely need to import to the US. My views on the death penalty have changed over time. I believe that most offenders should not receive it. However, it should generally be reserved for only the very powerful--those who cause a lot of damage to a lot of people through their criminal actions, especially including government and corporate figures--that their appeals be limited and execution be by swift, merciful and final means such as the guillotine--and that those executions be publically broadcast to the world. I defer to the death penalty for those particular individuals because of the greater likelihood that through their power and influence, they would otherwise eventually be delivered from their just punishment before completion.
  • Planetary Nebula NGC 2818 (apod)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

01-21-09 - A New Beginning
  • President Obama halts Gitmo trials for 120 days (nytimes) - draft executive order calls for closing Guantanamo prison within a year (yahoo)
    • White House halts all pending Bush regulations for review (yahoo)
    • Obama freezes senior staff pay, sets ethics rules (reuters)
    • Obama bans revolving door for 4 years (motherjones)
      • America Celebrates Obama, But Democrats Celebrate Lobbyists (firedoglake)
    • The President will only be as brave as ordinary citizens move him to be (thenation)
    • President Obama's amazing new limo (csmonitor - wired)
    • Oval Office Dress Code Changing (cnn) [Update: But pathological liar Bush didn't tell the truth about his own 'jacket always required' policy (americablog)]
    • Roberts' Flubbed Presidential Oath (Mark Crispin Miller, buzzflash)
  • President Franklin Roosevelt 1933 Inauguration (youtube)
    • Mr. Roosevelt Must Lead (February 8, 1933 thenation)
  • Republicans, fearing he will prosecute Bush regime criminality, obstruct confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General (cnn)
  • Roubini: The entire US banking system is effectively bankrupt (businessweek)
  • Al Nakba Redux (sjlendman) - A better understanding of Israel's cruel and crushing treatment of Palestinians, not a lot unlike the shameful US history of cruelty and genocide of Native Americans
  • Antarctica is getting warmer rather than cooling as widely believed (reuters)
    • Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse due to warming (reuters)
  • FDA list of salmonella tainted products (
  • Lenticular Cloud Over New Zealand (apod)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

01-20-09 - Inauguration Day
  • The Historic Inauguration of Our First Legitimately-Elected President in 12 Years
  • Paul Krugman: Obama's Oath Will Require Him to Bring Accountability for Bush Administration Crimes (bradblog). We've seen so many oaths of political office swept under the rug once spoken, what will become of this one?
    • Olbermann's Special Comment: They're guilty of this, Mr. President-Elect. They're guilty as sin. (crooksandliars)
      • Olbermann on Bush Years: 8 Years in 8 Minutes (truthout)
    • Rachel Maddow - Jonathan Turley - How can Obama's DOJ NOT prosecute war crimes? (youtube)
      • Greenwald: The effects of Obama's refusal to investigate Bush crimes (salon)
    • Future Historians Judge George W. Bush (youtube)
      • Obama walked today in his 2009 inaugural parade twice (youtube) - Bush hid in his car as the crowd pelted it with eggs and brought his 2001 inaugural parade to a halt (youtube)
  • Surprise! Pentagon Clears Itself Over Iraq Propaganda Program in Corporate Media (democracynow 1 - 2 - 3)
  • Gaza rebuild 'to cost billions' (
    • Gaza rebuilding may legitimize Hamas (jpost)
    • Saudi King pledges $1 billion for Gaza rebuilding (yahoo)
  • Bonestell Panorama from Mars (apod)

Monday, January 19, 2009

01-19-09 - MLK Day
  • Mavis Staples "Eyes On The Prize" (youtube) - Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial (youtube)
  • President Barack Obama: On the one hand were the nation's overwhelming disgust with Bush and Republicanism, Obama's cunning campaign strategy, and everything that makes the Barack Obama a charismatic figure -- on the other hand was Obama's willingness to win the presidency by co-opting and caving in on so many Republican holy cows that the Republicans no longer had meaty issues they could use to attack him (also successfully utilized by Bill Clinton). Carrying on with this winning political strategy of non-confrontation to curry Republican favor, he went on to appoint and gather around himself as advisors many of the same villains who actually helped create the problems that are now drowning us. Since at least 1952, extremely wealthy conservatives have carefully crafted the path and groomed the politicians to lead us toward and ultimately into the quicksand that is now swallowing us. What will it take to get this basically decent, intelligent man, President Barack Obama, to become the hero we so desperately need to lead us back to dry, solid ground? Is it even still possible? Have the multi-billionaires won? Franklin Roosevelt said, 'If you want something done, lean on me.' Is that what it will take with Obama? Lean on him? OK then, it's time to lean, and lean without mercy, because Obama is playing power politics and will respond to no other.
  • Keynote: Naomi Klein and Jeremy Scahill (fstv video). Euphoria over Obama's election can easily obscure the really big, scary problems from our view.
    • Keynote: Robert Scheer on the Military-Industrial Complex (fstv)
    • Obama, The Crawford Torture Admission & The Army Field Manual Lie (emptywheel). The devil frolics in the details.
  • Interloper George W. Bush waves his characteristic 'goodbye' to the nation he swore to defend, but instead raped (americablog)
  • MLK: I have a lot of trouble hearing Dr. King's secular message through his layers of religious references, but it's still there, loud and unmistakable. Unfortunately, The Cleaning Crew had to step in and take care of the matter, as they do whenever The Establishment is threatened.
    • UCSC Prof. Angela Davis speaks at the 40th anniversary of MLK's death (youtube)
    • Some Noteworthy Coincidences (opednews) - Ain't it somethin' how these things just seem to happen this way?
  • The American Death Wish (firedoglake)
  • After failing to hold Bush accountable for eight years, CNN plans to keep Obama's administration "honest" (americablog). And who's keeping conservative-biased CNN honest? Obama really needs to do a complete overhaul on the US media. Will he? Sure not holding my breath -- and grateful for my DVR.
    • AP and Faux News up to their usual misinformation campaign against anything Democratic/liberal. This time over comparative cost of inaugural events of Obama/Bush (firedoglake)
  • Methane Discovered in the Atmosphere of Mars (apod) - Could be microbial or volcanic. Why should we care? We're the ones carrying out the Sixth Great Extinction here on our own planet through our zealous overpopulation and disregard for what we dump into the biosphere.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

  • Holding Bush Accountable (thenation) - The ONLY thing that will keep future Republican (or Democrat) administrations from repeating what the Bush dynasty has so far gotten by doing to this nation is to hold them all criminally liable for their actions and force them to pay the legal consequences--whether imprisonment or execution (as Vincent Bugliosi suggests is possible). Obama, of course, would shrink from appearing so "mean-spirited," but this is not about being nice or about getting even. It is about saving our nation from what we fought against in World War II, nothing less.
  • People urged to avoid peanut butter products - FDA says people shouldn't eat peanut butter products while it investigates salmonella outbreak (yahoo/ap) Thank the Republican Party for decades of reducing the FDA to a mere political/commercial tool of the president. Leave it to Republicans to reduce funding for programs that protect the general population and turn regulatory functions over to the companies themselves--the honor system--the same thing that Bush did for the investment bankers and mortgage companies. Isn't it pretty obvious by now that Republican politicians and businesses HAVE NO HONOR?
    • Does white wine affect salmonella bacteria? (google)
  • Evangelical Christians fear losing right to incite murder (americablog)
    • What the world needs now is love (Jackie De Shannon, youtube 2:32)
    • Rick Warren's Clout (thenation) - "this is the only time that Congress passed a law to make a specific pending case moot." He added, "It is very rare for Congress to pass a law to make a pending case moot before there was a decision."
    • Future of abstinence-only funding is in limbo (yahoo/ap) - $176 million a year being totally wasted on abstinence-only sex education, producing victimized, sex-illiterate young people inadequately educated to enter into adult living. See also my entry on 12-29-08 ("Reaffirmed yet one more time . . ."). Will Obama continue this criminal assault against our young people to curry favor among irrational religious wingnuts who won't end up supporting him anyway?
  • President-Elect Obama's Stimulus Plan Is Only Half a Loaf (truthout). "By basing his economic recovery plan on a narrow emphasis on physical infrastructure investment, President-elect Obama fails to recognize how social infrastructure must be a crucial part of the mix. A failure to invest in social infrastructure during this critical time will leave the American middle class on the same shaky ground where it has always stood, fearing the next economic downturn."
    • Department of Transportation Head Ray LaHood: The Obama Appointment You Should Be Really Worried About (commondreams) - This conservative Illinois Republican with little transportation expertise and almost no administrative experience will guide the spending of vast amounts of stimulus money, oversee the auto bailout and be responsible for a raft of critical policy. Change you can believe in - NOT.
    • Pick your poison: federal, state or local taxes (americablog)
  • Saturn's Hyperion: A Moon with Odd Craters (apod)