Wednesday, January 21, 2009

01-21-09 - A New Beginning
  • President Obama halts Gitmo trials for 120 days (nytimes) - draft executive order calls for closing Guantanamo prison within a year (yahoo)
    • White House halts all pending Bush regulations for review (yahoo)
    • Obama freezes senior staff pay, sets ethics rules (reuters)
    • Obama bans revolving door for 4 years (motherjones)
      • America Celebrates Obama, But Democrats Celebrate Lobbyists (firedoglake)
    • The President will only be as brave as ordinary citizens move him to be (thenation)
    • President Obama's amazing new limo (csmonitor - wired)
    • Oval Office Dress Code Changing (cnn) [Update: But pathological liar Bush didn't tell the truth about his own 'jacket always required' policy (americablog)]
    • Roberts' Flubbed Presidential Oath (Mark Crispin Miller, buzzflash)
  • President Franklin Roosevelt 1933 Inauguration (youtube)
    • Mr. Roosevelt Must Lead (February 8, 1933 thenation)
  • Republicans, fearing he will prosecute Bush regime criminality, obstruct confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General (cnn)
  • Roubini: The entire US banking system is effectively bankrupt (businessweek)
  • Al Nakba Redux (sjlendman) - A better understanding of Israel's cruel and crushing treatment of Palestinians, not a lot unlike the shameful US history of cruelty and genocide of Native Americans
  • Antarctica is getting warmer rather than cooling as widely believed (reuters)
    • Antarctic ice shelf set to collapse due to warming (reuters)
  • FDA list of salmonella tainted products (
  • Lenticular Cloud Over New Zealand (apod)