Sunday, January 18, 2009

  • Holding Bush Accountable (thenation) - The ONLY thing that will keep future Republican (or Democrat) administrations from repeating what the Bush dynasty has so far gotten by doing to this nation is to hold them all criminally liable for their actions and force them to pay the legal consequences--whether imprisonment or execution (as Vincent Bugliosi suggests is possible). Obama, of course, would shrink from appearing so "mean-spirited," but this is not about being nice or about getting even. It is about saving our nation from what we fought against in World War II, nothing less.
  • People urged to avoid peanut butter products - FDA says people shouldn't eat peanut butter products while it investigates salmonella outbreak (yahoo/ap) Thank the Republican Party for decades of reducing the FDA to a mere political/commercial tool of the president. Leave it to Republicans to reduce funding for programs that protect the general population and turn regulatory functions over to the companies themselves--the honor system--the same thing that Bush did for the investment bankers and mortgage companies. Isn't it pretty obvious by now that Republican politicians and businesses HAVE NO HONOR?
    • Does white wine affect salmonella bacteria? (google)
  • Evangelical Christians fear losing right to incite murder (americablog)
    • What the world needs now is love (Jackie De Shannon, youtube 2:32)
    • Rick Warren's Clout (thenation) - "this is the only time that Congress passed a law to make a specific pending case moot." He added, "It is very rare for Congress to pass a law to make a pending case moot before there was a decision."
    • Future of abstinence-only funding is in limbo (yahoo/ap) - $176 million a year being totally wasted on abstinence-only sex education, producing victimized, sex-illiterate young people inadequately educated to enter into adult living. See also my entry on 12-29-08 ("Reaffirmed yet one more time . . ."). Will Obama continue this criminal assault against our young people to curry favor among irrational religious wingnuts who won't end up supporting him anyway?
  • President-Elect Obama's Stimulus Plan Is Only Half a Loaf (truthout). "By basing his economic recovery plan on a narrow emphasis on physical infrastructure investment, President-elect Obama fails to recognize how social infrastructure must be a crucial part of the mix. A failure to invest in social infrastructure during this critical time will leave the American middle class on the same shaky ground where it has always stood, fearing the next economic downturn."
    • Department of Transportation Head Ray LaHood: The Obama Appointment You Should Be Really Worried About (commondreams) - This conservative Illinois Republican with little transportation expertise and almost no administrative experience will guide the spending of vast amounts of stimulus money, oversee the auto bailout and be responsible for a raft of critical policy. Change you can believe in - NOT.
    • Pick your poison: federal, state or local taxes (americablog)
  • Saturn's Hyperion: A Moon with Odd Craters (apod)