Tuesday, January 20, 2009

01-20-09 - Inauguration Day
  • The Historic Inauguration of Our First Legitimately-Elected President in 12 Years
  • Paul Krugman: Obama's Oath Will Require Him to Bring Accountability for Bush Administration Crimes (bradblog). We've seen so many oaths of political office swept under the rug once spoken, what will become of this one?
    • Olbermann's Special Comment: They're guilty of this, Mr. President-Elect. They're guilty as sin. (crooksandliars)
      • Olbermann on Bush Years: 8 Years in 8 Minutes (truthout)
    • Rachel Maddow - Jonathan Turley - How can Obama's DOJ NOT prosecute war crimes? (youtube)
      • Greenwald: The effects of Obama's refusal to investigate Bush crimes (salon)
    • Future Historians Judge George W. Bush (youtube)
      • Obama walked today in his 2009 inaugural parade twice (youtube) - Bush hid in his car as the crowd pelted it with eggs and brought his 2001 inaugural parade to a halt (youtube)
  • Surprise! Pentagon Clears Itself Over Iraq Propaganda Program in Corporate Media (democracynow 1 - 2 - 3)
  • Gaza rebuild 'to cost billions' (abc.net.au)
    • Gaza rebuilding may legitimize Hamas (jpost)
    • Saudi King pledges $1 billion for Gaza rebuilding (yahoo)
  • Bonestell Panorama from Mars (apod)