Saturday, June 6, 2009

  • How Does It Really Work?
    • Who Picks The Candidates– The Corporately Financed Bosses or Grassroots Primaries? (firedoglake)
  • Obama's Wars Feeding the War Profiteers - Cost of Afghanistan War Will Surpass Iraq:
    • Scahill: Obama Has 250,000 "Contractors" in Iraq and Afghan Wars, Increases Number of Mercenaries (rebelreports)
  • Obama An Anti-Environmentalist Too?
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • One-Armed Spiral Galaxy NGC 4725 (apod)

Friday, June 5, 2009

  • Business As Usual - The Height of U.S. Hypocrisy:
    • Greenwald: Hillary Clinton demands China investigate and disclose its past abuses (salon) -- While Obama and Holder go out of their way to conceal, cover up, and protect Bush criminals and their criminal acts.
  • Obama's Masterful Cairo Speech Disappoints Muslims:
    • We wanted a world leader. We saw only a US president (guardian/uk)
    • Is Obama's change simply cosmetic? (guardian/uk) -- Anyone who has watched Obama operate since the election knows the answer to that question is a resounding YES.
  • Global Broiling:
    • A Hint of What's to Come to Much of the World: 160 Syrian villages deserted 'due to climate change' (desdemonadespair) -- Where will all those displaced, starving people go? To your door, of course, assuming you still have a home with food in it.
    • Obama Caves in to Coal Pressure on Mountaintop Removal to Save Pennies Per Ton (lexingtonheraldleader) -- Obama the cave-in man gives away the store - it's such a friendly gesture.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Stars and Dust Across Corona Australis (apod)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

  • Overly Polite Boy Scout Obama Has Some Growing Up to Do to Fill the Shoes of President of the USA:
    • Obama, Like Bush, Bends a Knee to King Abdullah (progressive)
  • Israel The Abusee Has Grown Up to Become the Heartless Abuser:
    • U.S. Army Finally Publically Acknowledges Israel Is a Nuclear Power (onlinejournal) "in fact an arsenal of 200 to 400 nuclear missiles"
      • The Martyrdom Of Mordechai Vanunu (countercurrents)
        • Israel’s 60 years of nuclear proliferation (onlinejournal)
          • Must-read 27-page history of Israel’s Nuclear Weapons -- The Third Temple’s Holy of Holies (supremelaw)
  • MIC's Phony War on Terror:
    • Abu Zubaydah, alleged 'Al Qaeda' mastermind, is a CIA veteran (onlinejournal)
  • Sibel Edmonds Names MSM Names Who Have Been Part of the Problem:
    • Project Expose MSM Reports #1 - June 3, 2009 - Newsweek & Michael Isikoff (123realchange - bradblog) "Michael Isikoff interviewed me for, and then published a story on the FBI translation program. His report knowingly omitted crucial facts, directly relevant cases, witness statements and confirmed official reports, while advancing the FBI's already-discredited point of view..."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Sunspots on a Cloudy Day (apod)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

  • Just What Is a Traditional Marriage?
    • Betty Bowers, America's greatest Christian, explains traditional marriage (americablog with YouTube video) -- Now that makes it all perfectly clear.
  • This Twisted Mormon is One Sick POS, Whether Writing Pornographic Books or Spewing Political Pornography on His TV And Radio Shows:
  • Tell Me Again Why We Let Israel Wrap Us Around Their Middle Finger:
    • McGovern: Getting the Truth Out - Navy Vet Who Foiled Unprovoked Israeli on U.S. Ship Honored (antiwar)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • VB 10: A Large Planet Orbiting a Small Star (apod)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

  • Obama's Club Gitmo - Goes So Well With His Continuing War on Terror:
    • Greenwald: Another Club Gitmo guest kills himself (salon)
  • Rupert Murdoch, Fox News Corp, Bill O'Reilly and His Accomplices Should Be Tried for Incitement to Murder and Domestic Terrorism:
  • The Criminals Obama Is Letting Slither Away Untouched by the Law:
    • Watch "Torturing Democracy" on 'Bill Moyers Journal' (pbs video - also on -- a very convincing documentary. Bush legally defined "torture" in such a broad manner that he could (using his own new definition) truthfully claim throughout his horrible cruelty that our country does not "torture". Give Hannibal Lecter the same power to define the words of the law, and he would NEVER be guilty of murdering numerous people, then dining on their more delectable parts. And, like Lecter with all his cunning, Bush still lives the good life and walks a free man -- and will continue to do so till many of us are old and gray, thanks to his new protector and therefore his present accomplice, Barack Obama, who is illegally shielding him from the legal repercussions of his crimes.
  • Religious Fundamentalists - The Same Cruel And Tiresome Dogmatic Stripes Anywhere in the World:
    • Religious fundamentalism is a crime against humanity (onlinejournal) -- It's also child abuse of the first order to feed such threatening tripe to kids that they grow up twisted and afraid all their lives of being themselves.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Spokes Reappear on Saturn's Rings (apod)

Monday, June 1, 2009

  • Barack McSame Obama - Complicit in Bush-Gang Crimes:
    • DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy (washingtonindependent) -- As The United States' first black president, Barack Obama brings dishonor to African-Americans everywhere. What a sham this man is! Change you can believe in - complete hypocritical campaign drivel!
  • Ever Wonder Who Really Pulls the Strings?
    • Lendman: Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Planning Now (sjlendman)
  • The Biggest Theft in History:
    • Krugman: Reagan Did It (nytimes) "the more one looks into the origins of the current disaster, the clearer it becomes that the key wrong turn - the turn that made crisis inevitable - took place in the early 1980s, during the Reagan years."
  • Obama Illegally, Willfully, and Complicitly Neglecting His Constitutional Duty to Punish Those Guilty of Crimes:
    • Scahill: Jimmy Carter charges Obama "doesn't want to punish those who are guilty" of crimes (rebelreports)
    • Bill Moyers/Michael Winship: Everyone Should See 'Torturing Democracy' (commondreams -
  • Jay Rockefeller Stiffing the Country AGAIN:
    • Senator Rockefeller patterns a healthcare ‘reform’ bill on the Federal Reserve (onlinejournal) "Things are getting stranger and stranger in D.C. and the promise of change now definitely looks like the same old game with Medicare: invite the HMOs in to brainstorm cuts in services to people who need them most."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Spirit Encounters Soft Ground on Mars (apod)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

  • Too many promises broken already to expect much help from Obama for gays:
    • View From the Hill: Obama's Silence (advocate) "the administration is avoiding LGBT issues in comparison with other interest groups . . . . Next month the administration will apparently be presenting a package of pro-LGBT announcements . . . . I do wonder, what will be the price of President Obama’s silence among the ranks of our nation’s future?" -- As far as I'm concerned, it's high time we start organizing to punish Obama and the Democratic Party in 2010 by promising we will not support them with contributions, campaign help, or other kind of help they could use. They are impressed only by power--which Hispanics are obviously showing--and it's high time we need to wrap up our limp-wrists and start punching holes in walls where Obama and the Dems will take notice.
  • Poor, dumb, unfeeling, unintelligent animals that poor, dumb, unfeeling, unintelligent man thinks he has the right to exploit, abuse, and drive into extinction:
    • Bird uses body as dam to stop drainpipe soaking chicks (telegraph/uk) "A bird used her body as a dam to stop overflowing drainpipe water from soaking her chicks."
  • No, Virginia, Mankind Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • A Solar Prominence from SOHO (apod)