Tuesday, June 2, 2009

  • Obama's Club Gitmo - Goes So Well With His Continuing War on Terror:
    • Greenwald: Another Club Gitmo guest kills himself (salon)
  • Rupert Murdoch, Fox News Corp, Bill O'Reilly and His Accomplices Should Be Tried for Incitement to Murder and Domestic Terrorism:
  • The Criminals Obama Is Letting Slither Away Untouched by the Law:
    • Watch "Torturing Democracy" on 'Bill Moyers Journal' (pbs video - also on video.google) -- a very convincing documentary. Bush legally defined "torture" in such a broad manner that he could (using his own new definition) truthfully claim throughout his horrible cruelty that our country does not "torture". Give Hannibal Lecter the same power to define the words of the law, and he would NEVER be guilty of murdering numerous people, then dining on their more delectable parts. And, like Lecter with all his cunning, Bush still lives the good life and walks a free man -- and will continue to do so till many of us are old and gray, thanks to his new protector and therefore his present accomplice, Barack Obama, who is illegally shielding him from the legal repercussions of his crimes.
  • Religious Fundamentalists - The Same Cruel And Tiresome Dogmatic Stripes Anywhere in the World:
    • Religious fundamentalism is a crime against humanity (onlinejournal) -- It's also child abuse of the first order to feed such threatening tripe to kids that they grow up twisted and afraid all their lives of being themselves.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Spokes Reappear on Saturn's Rings (apod)