Monday, June 1, 2009

  • Barack McSame Obama - Complicit in Bush-Gang Crimes:
    • DOJ Claims Offer Clues on Obama Detention Policy (washingtonindependent) -- As The United States' first black president, Barack Obama brings dishonor to African-Americans everywhere. What a sham this man is! Change you can believe in - complete hypocritical campaign drivel!
  • Ever Wonder Who Really Pulls the Strings?
    • Lendman: Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Planning Now (sjlendman)
  • The Biggest Theft in History:
    • Krugman: Reagan Did It (nytimes) "the more one looks into the origins of the current disaster, the clearer it becomes that the key wrong turn - the turn that made crisis inevitable - took place in the early 1980s, during the Reagan years."
  • Obama Illegally, Willfully, and Complicitly Neglecting His Constitutional Duty to Punish Those Guilty of Crimes:
    • Scahill: Jimmy Carter charges Obama "doesn't want to punish those who are guilty" of crimes (rebelreports)
    • Bill Moyers/Michael Winship: Everyone Should See 'Torturing Democracy' (commondreams -
  • Jay Rockefeller Stiffing the Country AGAIN:
    • Senator Rockefeller patterns a healthcare ‘reform’ bill on the Federal Reserve (onlinejournal) "Things are getting stranger and stranger in D.C. and the promise of change now definitely looks like the same old game with Medicare: invite the HMOs in to brainstorm cuts in services to people who need them most."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Spirit Encounters Soft Ground on Mars (apod)