Thursday, June 4, 2009

  • Overly Polite Boy Scout Obama Has Some Growing Up to Do to Fill the Shoes of President of the USA:
    • Obama, Like Bush, Bends a Knee to King Abdullah (progressive)
  • Israel The Abusee Has Grown Up to Become the Heartless Abuser:
    • U.S. Army Finally Publically Acknowledges Israel Is a Nuclear Power (onlinejournal) "in fact an arsenal of 200 to 400 nuclear missiles"
      • The Martyrdom Of Mordechai Vanunu (countercurrents)
        • Israel’s 60 years of nuclear proliferation (onlinejournal)
          • Must-read 27-page history of Israel’s Nuclear Weapons -- The Third Temple’s Holy of Holies (supremelaw)
  • MIC's Phony War on Terror:
    • Abu Zubaydah, alleged 'Al Qaeda' mastermind, is a CIA veteran (onlinejournal)
  • Sibel Edmonds Names MSM Names Who Have Been Part of the Problem:
    • Project Expose MSM Reports #1 - June 3, 2009 - Newsweek & Michael Isikoff (123realchange - bradblog) "Michael Isikoff interviewed me for, and then published a story on the FBI translation program. His report knowingly omitted crucial facts, directly relevant cases, witness statements and confirmed official reports, while advancing the FBI's already-discredited point of view..."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Sunspots on a Cloudy Day (apod)