Sunday, May 31, 2009

  • Too many promises broken already to expect much help from Obama for gays:
    • View From the Hill: Obama's Silence (advocate) "the administration is avoiding LGBT issues in comparison with other interest groups . . . . Next month the administration will apparently be presenting a package of pro-LGBT announcements . . . . I do wonder, what will be the price of President Obama’s silence among the ranks of our nation’s future?" -- As far as I'm concerned, it's high time we start organizing to punish Obama and the Democratic Party in 2010 by promising we will not support them with contributions, campaign help, or other kind of help they could use. They are impressed only by power--which Hispanics are obviously showing--and it's high time we need to wrap up our limp-wrists and start punching holes in walls where Obama and the Dems will take notice.
  • Poor, dumb, unfeeling, unintelligent animals that poor, dumb, unfeeling, unintelligent man thinks he has the right to exploit, abuse, and drive into extinction:
    • Bird uses body as dam to stop drainpipe soaking chicks (telegraph/uk) "A bird used her body as a dam to stop overflowing drainpipe water from soaking her chicks."
  • No, Virginia, Mankind Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • A Solar Prominence from SOHO (apod)