Friday, May 1, 2009

  • We'll Miss You, Sweetie - You gave us so very much.
  • A Little More Morford:
    • The Right goes insane - Evil overlords to flaccid clowns in the blink of Jesus' eye. Adorable! (sfgate)
  • Military Practicing to Take Over in Next Pandemic:
    • Will NorthCom take over in Swine Flu Outbreak? (progressive)
    • Little known fact about the 1918 flu pandemic: At first it came around like a normal flu, but next flu season it had gained in virulence and came back to kill tens of millions. If this present swine flu is in fact a man-made variety, as some believe, who knows what's next? Certainly between a very deep recession and a killer pandemic, a whole lot of factories would no longer be spewing their poisonous global warming fumes into the atmosphere. Could these events be the ultra-elites' rough-shod way of doing something to mitigate global broiling when politicians haven't the political will to do anything substantial?
  • Continuing the Bush Legacy - Bush Laughing Over His Coke:
    • Obama seems to be no improvement over George Bush when it comes to the “No Fly” list (progressive) -- Plane is diverted away from the U.S. because of fear of what a journalist passenger has written.
  • Torture the Torturers Instead:
    • Jeremy Scahill: New UN Report Shows the US Combo of Torture and Impunity Thrives in Iraqi Prisons (rebelreports)
  • Steal That Vote! - Poor Dumb Democrat Pols Don't Have a Clue About Election Integrity:
    • RNC Wants Court Okay for 'Vote Caging' Again (bradblog)
    • Private Corporations Running Elections Will First Steal Those Elections, Then Wreck Your Election System (bradblog)
  • Having Watched Convention City Militarized Police Brutalize Democratic Protesters, What Congeniality And Hospitality Will They More Likely Show Extremist Conservative Thugs in South Bend During Obama's Visit?
    • Violent anti-Obama groups arriving in South Bend (onlinejournal) "Notre Dame campus security has apparently accepted responsibility for Obama’s security during his visit to the campus (wow, I'm relieved already), although primary presidential security will be in the hands of the Secret Service." Better to treat it like a trip to Baghdad.
  • Those Lovable, Godlike Christians, Always Ready With Kindness and Charity:
    • Mormons Were At the Heart of Bush's Torture Policy (americablog)
  • Lyrid Meteor and Milky Way (apod)