Sunday, April 26, 2009

  • Swine Flu (A-H1N1) Spreading:
    • Obama response being handled by John Brennan, who helped cook up the CIA's torture policy (abcnews)
    • A couple journalists, one in Mexico and one in Jakarta, think it is a genetically engineered weaponized form (wmr) See also my 04-25-09 (WHO declares international) entry and 02-03-09-entry (Hiding China’s Bird).
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time - A Bright Spot:
    • British billionaires cut in half, super rich suffer in crisis (guardian) -- The have-a-lots have seldom been the friends of the exploited have-littles. It is class-warfare that has been raging since time immemorial by the rich against the poor and is the principal cause of so much of the world's suffering. So it's nice to see this headline.
  • Military-Industrial-Profiteers Doing What They Do Best:
    • Torture? It Probably Killed More Americans than 9/11 (independent/uk) "The reason why foreign fighters joined al-Qa'ida in Iraq was overwhelmingly because of abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and not Islamic ideology," says Major Matthew Alexander, who personally conducted 300 interrogations of prisoners in Iraq.
  • NGC 4676: When Mice Collide (apod) - Weekend Sky Show (spaceweather {click on image to enlarge})