Saturday, April 25, 2009

  • Seen one or two, seen 'em all - The most highly classified of all that the government is hiding:
    • Are UFOs real? Famous people who believed (telegraph/uk) "The former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has claimed that aliens exist and their visits are being covered up by the United States government. Mitchell is in good company in his beliefs. Here we highlight 12 other public figures who believe that extraterrestrials may have been visiting our planet over the last 100 years." -- Having seen (in the presence of other witnesses) two together at one time that definitely were unidentified and were flying objects, include me to that list, although I'm not quite as famous as they all are.
  • The latest thing that will kill you dead:
    • WHO declares international concern over swine flu (sfgate) -- If there are swine flu victims in your area, wash your hands often, carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with you everywhere and use it often, don't stick your flu-germ-dirty fingers in your mouth, nose, or eyes. If you get it or think you have it, stay home so you don't pass it along. If the swine flu turns into an epidemic, threat it as you would an avian flu pandemic - except for the parts that pertain to infection of pets by birds and dried bird droppings.. Find out NOW if you don't know how. Check the news on a daily basis on swine flu. See also my 02-03-09 entry (Hiding China’s Bird).
      • Mexico flu 'a potential pandemic' (bbc)
  • Global Broiling and Environment Destruction - Go Obama, Go!
    • Did Obama Throw Appalachia’s Mountaintops Under The Bulldozers? (firedoglake) -- Has put the wolf in charge of the mountain top mining chicken koop. How very Republicon of him.
  • Dark Markings of the Sky (apod)