Wednesday, April 29, 2009

  • Hatemongers Gone Wild!
    • GOP Hysterical Over Hate Crimes Bill Because It Would Protect Gay People (thinkprogress)
  • Steal That Vote!
    • Landmark Civil Rights Law in Jeopardy? Court to Examine Whether Voting Rights Act Still Needed. (abcnews)
  • Phony War on Drugs (on the Poor):
  • Restore the Rule of Law!
    • Jeremy Scahill: What if Instead of the Nuremberg Trials There Was Only a Truth Commission? (commondreams)
    • Bush Then: 'War Crimes Will be Prosecuted...No Defense to Say, 'I was Just Following Orders'' (bradblog with video)
  • GRB 090423: The Farthest Explosion Yet Measured (apod) - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record (13 billion light years, just a tad over the Religious Wrong's 6,000 years) (