Saturday, June 27, 2009

  • The Global Broiling Bill That Wasn't:
    • Climate Change Activists Dismayed by Some of Bill's Provisions (wapo) -- Big Money has ripped out the guts of this bill, but there's one thing Big Money cannot buy: a cooler, more hospitable planet at a time when half the world's population has already perished because of Big Money's eternal greed.
    • Dennis Kucinich votes against climate change bill (nwotruth) "The reason is simple. It won’t address the problem. In fact, it might make the problem worse."
  • The Hidden Enemy Within Worse Than Known Enemies Without:
    • Democrats and Political Homophobia (americablog) "Political homophobia is rampant among some Democrats. In some ways, it's worse than blatant homophobia, since we think most Democrats are on our side. And outwardly, they are. Political homophobia dictates policy in DC more than we'd like to think. I believe it's happening in the West Wing right now."
  • Egomaniac Adulterous RW 'Family Values' Governor Has Nerve to Compare Himself to King David:
    • Sanford likened his struggle to that of King David (cbsnews) -- No way, Bud, you're not even a piss ant compared to that giant of a man. -- Hmmm, but looking at Sanford's comparison from another angle, what if his 'leaked emails proving there is another woman named Maria' are actually just another phony scam to conceal a Mario? Could Sanford's comparison to King David actually be a Freudian slip referencing the relationship of David and Jonathan--Jonathan whom David 'loved'? (The original language of the Biblical reference suggests physical love, and they too were forced to break it off, just as Sanford's and Mari_'s breakup appears to have been not completely voluntary.) Not that I would judge him for having a Mario instead of a Maria -- he's already a dirty, rotten, lying, adulterous GOP hypocrite, and the gender of his love object makes no difference to me.
  • Bush III Hard At Work:
    • Greenwald: Obama contemplates Executive Order for detention without charges (salon)
    • 2004 CIA Inspector General Torture Report’s Release Is Delayed AGAIN (washingtonindependent)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Kepler's Supernova Remnant in X-Rays (apod)