Thursday, June 25, 2009

  • Obama Continuing Bush Practice of Punishing FBI Agents Who Get Too Close to Their Politically Connected Quarry:
    • Madsen: Politicization of FBI continuing under Obama (onlinejournal) "WMR has learned the policy of punishing FBI agents who get too close to criminal enterprises involving politically-connected individuals and companies is continuing under President Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder."
  • A/H1N1 Was Engineered in Two Universities in U.S. and Canada:
    • Is swine flue US-made and resistant to vaccines? (rt video) Former CIA analyst turned investigative reporter "Wayne Madsen also says that his so-called 'nightmare scenario', in which swine flu could mutate with bird flu, has been suppressed by the World Health Organisation for political reasons." -- As I've said before, the Power Elite could actually desire the nightmare scenario, just as they created the world recession, in order to reduce worldwide global broiling emissions to buy them time to work on the global broiling certainty. As of a couple months ago, for example, over 50,000 factories had closed in China because of the recession. Add a very lethal flu pandemic and watch scores of thousands more factories close. That's a lot of global broiling gaseous emissions that are would not enter the atmosphere and make human extinction more nearly likely.. After all, if the Power Elite want to rule the world, they have to have a habitable world containing people to rule.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Liquid Lakes on Saturn's Titan (apod)