Thursday, July 2, 2009

  • Obama, 'fierce' supporter of gay civil rights - sure.
    • The new Obama talking points don't even include DOMA and Don't Ask Don't Tell as priorities any longer (americablog) -- Or is this an implied threat against the gay community that is now pissed off and beginning to raise hell? Well, whether or not that is the case, I believe it is time to start raising hell all over the nation so the spineless Dems and occupants of the Oval Office cannot fail to keep the promises they made to get our campaign support and money.
  • Yet more NSA intrusion into our private lives:
    • Madsen: US to conduct unprecedented surveillance over Internet (rt video) -- George Orwell, move over.
  • India decides to join the 21st century:
    • Indian court: Gay sex is legal (cnnwire - guardian/uk) -- I guess that means that all of those Indian men who have at one time or another had man sex (estimated at 1/3 of all Indian men) are no longer criminals. Now that's what I call one damn good way to get criminals off the streets. Of course the major religious leaders (Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh), like pro-fascist religious scam artists everywhere, want the law to remain just as it has been since the British imposed it on India during colonial rule.
  • Another casualty of spineless wonders Obama's and Dems' political homophobia:
    • As gay discharges continue at the rate of two a day under DADT, sailor is murdered (rawstory - thinkprogress) -- Harassed Navy seaman, afraid to tell his supervisor he was gay and being harassed, is murdered. That should be another proud notch on your belt, President Obama.
  • Global Broiling and Those Profiting From It:
    • ExxonMobil Continuing to Fund Climate Sceptic Groups, Records Show (guardian/uk) "Records show ExxonMobil gave hundreds of thousands of pounds to lobby groups that have published 'misleading and inaccurate information' about climate change"
    • US, Canada Rank Last in Curbing Warming, Report on G-8 Says (reuters) "While there might be a bailout possibility for the financial system, no amounts of money will save the planet once climate change crosses the danger threshold,"
  • More of what U.S. foreign policy does best:
    • While the U.S. Dilly Dallies on Honduras, We Continue to Support a Right-Wing Thug in Colombia (alternet)
  • Religious Wrong Lunatics' Greatest Contribution to Their Teenage Victims:
    • Unprotected Sex: Abstinence Education's Main Accomplishment (alternet) "But now we have sad and clear evidence that political foolishness among adults is leading to foolish and harmful behavior among kids." The result is increased teenage pregnancy and "tragically diminished futures and early deaths" [from HIV] "among a generation that shouldn't be condemned to such suffering." -- The Roman Catholic Church and many of its evangelical protestant grandchildren throughout the world have done everything in their power to make kids think condoms don't work and won't protect them -- an outright lie that innumerable studies have proven is a lie. Obama has taken only the first step in correcting this scam.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Lyman Alpha Blob (apod)