Tuesday, June 30, 2009

  • US filling up with often defective and sometimes lethal Chinese junk:
    • Chinese makers of shoddy goods rarely face U.S. sanctions (mcclatchydc) -- Far from being the only trafficker in this junk, remember, WalMart controls over 700 factories in China and NONE in the United States.
  • By continuing Bush policies, Obama is slowly nudging the US closer and closer to an eventual dictatorship:
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • The Great Bank Robbery: How the Federal Reserve is destroying America (rt)
  • Center-right Obama staff bullying progressives to vote according to the President's wishes, but will they apply the same pressure to Blue Dogs who will impede progressive legislation? -- not very likely:
    • Greenwald: Creepy, revealing quote from White House staffer (salon)
  • Our 'Liberal' Media:
    • Chris Hedges: The Corporate Media State Has Deformed American Culture -- Time to Fight Back (alternet) "Progressives must embrace emotion and passion to counter the force of corporate propaganda."
  • How much deeper a hole will Obama dig for himself as accomplice in Bush's crimes?
    • Greenwald: The suppressed fact: deaths by U.S. torture (salon) "The interrogation and detention regime implemented by the U.S. resulted in the deaths of over 100 detainees in U.S. custody -- at least. While some of those deaths were the result of 'rogue' interrogators and agents, many were caused by the methods authorized at the highest levels of the Bush White House . . . ." -- For this mass murder, the Bush Gang who devised and authorized this torture should be made to dangle, to kick at the air just as they did to Saddam Hussein—after a trial just as quick and fair as was Saddam's. -- How much of the incriminating information in the report will Bush Gang Protector-in-Chief Barack Obama allow to be released to the public domain? How much more implicated in these murders will Obama make himself by illegally hiding the Bush crimes in a veil of secrecy in violation of national law and international treaty?
    • Madsen: Bush supplied Afghan insurgents for ‘Al Qaeda’ in Iraq (onlinejournal - rt video) -- " . . . United States intelligence services imported Afghan mercenaries into Iraq in order to attack Iraqi civilians and military personnel, as well as coalition forces, including U.S. service personnel. The Afghans were recruited from Taliban ranks and were paid for their services in Iraq." -- For Bush I and Bush II, it's anything goes, including pure, unadulterated treason. Will Bush III fill his two predecessors' shoes as well?
  • An Afternoon With the Cowardly Lion:
    • Gay America's Afternoon in the White House (huffpost) "The Obama Administration assembled a group of two hundred or more of America's well-heeled leaders for equality, but like little doggies most were wide-eyed at his feet. . . . I heard platitudes, cracked promises, and disappointments. Still, the crowd cheered for more. . . . Today's address left me wanting. The pain experienced by homosexuals is deadly tragic. Annually, thousands of American children kill themselves due to the bigotry pervasive across America."
  • Honduras Elite Really Pissed Enough to Stage a Coup Against a President of the People - Obama Discretely Distances Himself, But US Operated School of the Americas' Fingerprints Are All Over It (The US Doesn't Like Lefties Running Central and South American Countries - It's Not Good for US Exploitation of Their Resources):
    • Showdown in Honduras: The Rise, Repression and Uncertain Future of the Coup (upsidedownworld)
  • Coal and Electric Utility Companies Wrecking the Environment and Endangering People:
    • EPA list shows dangerous coal ash sites found in 10 states (mcclatchydc)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • The North America and Pelican Nebulae (apod)