Monday, June 29, 2009

  • Thanks, Obama and other Democrat cowards, this is the kind of shit your political homophobia produces:
    • Ft. Worth cops raid a gay bar in Texas on the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising (thinkprogress - pam) -- Too bad the patrons didn't feel like mass martyrdom and fight back viciously as they did at Stonewall 40 years ago. Some might have been badly injured or even killed, given how modern police now behave. Many would have incurred legal costs. The media would have had a feeding frenzy. Obama just might have been shamed sufficiently into finally keeping his thus-far broken promises of equality in gay civil rights.
  • MIC - Bush III - U.S. Empire Meddling After Global Economic Collapse - Violence and Chaos Propagate Further, Just As They Did Prior to Hitler's Emergence:
    • A Few Thoughts on the Coup in Honduras (scahill - madsen video - democracynow - counterpunch) - Madsen: "As far as I can tell, this could be called President Obama's maiden coup, and unless he does something more proactively to put President Zelaya back in power, I believe President Obama owns this coup. . . . This looks like a very classic School of the Americas initiated type of coup."
  • Global Broiling: Paul Krugman Too Politely Greatly Understates His Case:
    • Betraying the Planet (nytimes) "The fact is that the planet is changing faster than even pessimists expected: ice caps are shrinking, arid zones spreading, at a terrifying rate. And according to a number of recent studies, catastrophe — a rise in temperature so large as to be almost unthinkable — can no longer be considered a mere possibility. It is, instead, the most likely outcome if we continue along our present course. . . . Still, is it fair to call climate denial a form of treason? Isn’t it politics as usual? Yes, it is — and that’s why it’s unforgivable."
  • They Love Us, They Love Us - for Obama's Mass Murder of Innocents Via Videogame Drones:
    • Thousands of Pakistanis Hold Anti-US Rally (presstv)
  • While the Corporate Elite rake it in:
    • Chris Hedges: The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free (truthdig)
  • Obama's Political Homophobia Just As Wrong Now As the Southern Baptist Church's Bigotry Against Mixed-Race Marriage at the Time His Parents Married:
    • Obama's Stance on Same-Sex Marriage Puts Him on the Wrong Side of History (alternet)
    • Obama and the big gay party (americablog - mercurynews) -- Gay sycophants flocked to Obama's free champaign and sweet nothings party honoring at least in word the heroes who started the gay liberation movement. What we need now is not a lot more empty promises and stabs in the back from Obama, but a lot more of that original spirit and anger of the Stonewall heroes—and ACTIONS—throughout the nation, directed at those who stand in the way of full gay civil rights NOW, beginning at the top of the food chain, the man reading the teleprompter at this afternoon's mutual masturbation fest, and his Democrat underlings in Congress. Obama's paltry attempts—such as this party and his much vaunted temporary memorandum granting some tiny, very tiny percent of Americans (certain gay federal employees) a few small temporary perks that were already available at their superiors' discretion—are little more than a cynical effort on his part to assuage some rich gay former contributors who are now enraged over his recent DOMA defense brief, which went so far in its legal arguments in support of DOMA that those same arguments can now be used in the future to deny gays the rights Obama claims he wants them to have. What a hypocrite and liar! He says, "you guys will be pleased with the changes by the end of my administration." He has absolutely NO CREDIBILITY left with a lot of former supporters, this one included. What I expect him to say to gays instead at the end of his administration is "Oops, missed that one, didn't I. Well, see ya around." So there is every reason to demand action NOW. Later could otherwise mean never.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Kaguya Spacecraft Crashes into the Moon (apod video)