Sunday, July 5, 2009

  • The Biggest Theft in History:
    • Biden Says Administration Misread Depth of Recession (wsj)
    • Krugman: What didn’t the vice president know? (nytimes) -- World-renowned economists were saying at the time that the watered-down stimulus package was not enough, but politicians being politicians, know best, you know.
    • Biden Ignores Warnings Of Krugman, Stiglitz, Roubini And Others (huffpost) -- Mimicking Condaleeza Rice's ridiculous assertion about airplanes flying into the WTC.
  • Finally, someone else has dared to touch the subject - should be obvious to any intelligent person:
    • Robert Parry: Republicans, a Threat to the Republic? (consortiumnews) -- But don't forget, they're only the generally preferred footsoldiers of the Power Elite who control both parties as if they were one. It just so happens, the loonies are concentrated in the RW. The deep pocketed elite who fund them are the real villains who also should be held accountable. It is and always has been a class war - the elite feel entitled to everything they want and use government to leverage it to them. They're the ones who need their wings clipped - severely. Problem is, they have so totally commandeered this country that there is no longer any reliable law enforcement arm. They own the sheriff and the judge.
  • MIC - Coups R Us - US Wants to Clean Out Populist Presidents From South America, Zelaya Is Only One of the Names on the List:
    • Madsen: Despite Obama's Actions Since Honduran Coup, US Also Was a Player Along With the Honduran Military (madsenreport) Watch this entry to see if the article goes into the public domain in a few days.
  • The Outrage That is Called the American Healthcare System: Republicons Fight Improvement, But ...
    • Healthy Examples: Plenty of Countries Get Healthcare Right (bostonglobe)
  • MIC - Is Neocon Obama Ready to Let Israel Attack Iran? Sounds Like It.
    • Biden: US will not stand in Israel's way on Iran (jpost) -- So neocon Biden is now singing McCain's song, too.
    • Isn't it curious that this happens just as the incoming chief of IAEA says there "is no concrete evidence Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons"? (jpost) -- This even though the US's trouble-making companion black hole Israel itself has a no-longer-secret nuke arsenal and possibly as many as 400 bombs -- This reminds me that the UN investigators reported no WMD in Iraq just prior to Bush's illegal invasion, and of course the other factoid that the FBI says it has no hard evidence that the FBI's most wanted list does not cite Osama bin Laden for attacking the U.S. on 9/11 because it says they have no hard evidence of his involvement.
    • Also: Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran (timesonline)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Genesis Mission's Hard Impact (apod)