Wednesday, July 8, 2009

  • Revolving Door Between Foxes' Den and the Henhouse:
    • Fox to Guard Henhouse? Former Monsanto VP May Be Named To Head FDA Safety Working Group (crooksandliars) -- Good going, Mr. President, we wouldn't want you to step out of Bush II's persona and upset our perceptions of you.
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers:
    • Vietnam War Architect Robert McNamara Dies at 93: A Look at His Legacy With Howard Zinn, Marilyn Young & Jonathan Schell (democracynow video)
      • 100,000 reasons to shed no tears for McNamara (mcclatchydc)
    • Turley: "The Obama Administration continues its retention and expansion of abusive Bush policies — now clearly Obama policies on indefinite detention." (Greenwald at salon)
    • Ex-Military Commissions Prosecutor Says the System Is Unsalvagable (thepoliticalcarnival)
  • The Art of Timing: OR, will conveniently timed cyber attacks now lend popular support to Obama's plans to impose greater internet surveillance? How many times have we seen this before?
    • White House among targets of sweeping cyber attack (yahoo) -- Since Bush politics reign supreme in the WH again, isn't it time to dust off the color coded warning system again to keep the populace scared witless? After all, it gets draconian bills passed and gives cover for stolen elections.
  • US Policy of Meddling in Latin American Populist Governments Is Alive And Well:
    • Parenti Implicates Obama in the Honduras Coup (commondreams) -- Parenti is not the only one to question Obama's participation (madsen video)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • The Dark River to Antares (apod)