Thursday, July 9, 2009

  • And another, yet another broken Obama promise - Did this man mean ANYTHING he said, other than "I want to be your president"? His poll numbers are finally starting to show that his overwhelming initial public confidence is beginning to drop. I wonder why.
    • Obama campaign vow of public debate on health care fading (mcclatchydc)
  • Hey there, you with the halo - Don't you know it's a sin to lie? Religious fruitcakes routinely lie about about researchers' work:
    • Researchers complain about religious right distortion of their work (pam)
  • More Concealment - NSA Power Expanding Appreciably Under Obama:
    • NSA Sets Up Very Large Special Unit to Tamp Down Any Suggestion That US Government Had Any Involvement in the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks (rt madsen video) -- NSA, me thinks thou dost protest too much.
  • Yet More Obama Bait-And-Switch Lying Brings Out AIDS Activists:
    • AIDS activists shut down US Capitol rotunda over Obama reversal on AIDS policy (americablog - rollcall)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Fermi's Gamma-ray Pulsars (apod)