Saturday, June 13, 2009

  • Laying It On The Line:
    • Maher Blasts Obama on Reform Efforts: 'Not Getting the Job Done, Not What I Voted For' (bradblog) -- I had heard that someone from the gym said Obama doesn't lack for a respectable thumper, but from my observation of his actions since election, he sure does act like he has very, very small jingle bells.
  • Obama Feels Compelled to Defend the DOMA Law And DNDT To the Letter Against Legal Challenge by Gays Obviously Deprived of Their Civil Rights, But Has Done Everything in His Power to DEFY the Very Clear Laws Demanding That He Hold the Bush Administration War Criminals Accountable for Their Crimes:
    • Turley: Bush terror memos are 'very definition of tyranny' (rawstory) "The question is what did they do in response? We know, among other things that they created a torture program. ... I think we're going to find out that this was the mere foundation for a greater edifice that has yet to be disclosed." -- And could this yet unexposed 'edifice' be what has motivated Obama to totally defy his own duty to uphold the law - because he wants to protect that 'edifice' for his own possible use if he deems necessary? Does anyone smell a fully-fledged police state lurking somewhere in the background?
  • MIC and Obama's War Profiteers:
    • Scahill: "A Perfect Storm for Disaster" Brewing With Washington's "Unprecedented" Shadow Army (rebelreports) "As US troops and private contractors surge in Afghanistan, a new report reveals a system rife with abuse. Also, why is an executive of a major war contractor on the commission investigating contractors?"
    • At What Cost: Contingency Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan: 351 U.S. bases now exist in Iraq (wartimecontracting - pdf pg 58) -- Download this whole government report and read it for yourself, then ask yourself why domestic services have been pinched so hard during the Bush years to the present.
  • Steal That Vote:
    • Taking a Page Out of the GOP Playbook, Iran's 2009 Election Results Suggest Massive Fraud...Just Like Ohio's in 2004 (bradblog - nytimes - juancole - motherjones) -- George W. Bush and the U.S. Supreme Court set the tone for the world in stealing elections - who then can criticize Iranian ayatollahs corrupted by ultimate power for following suit? Why would they EVER allow a president who was not of their own choosing to be elected legitimately?
  • The GOP - They Have NOTHING Constructive to Offer, So They Only Obstruct Progress and Incite to Violence:
    • Krugman: The Big Hate (nytimes) -- Exposing the links between right-wing extremist lunatics, the right-wing media and GOP leaders. Same as during the Clinton years, except now it's worse.
    • A Brief History of the Radical, Violent Right: How Racist Hate Groups Joined Up with Abortion Terrorists (alternet)
  • When the Hypocritical Religious Wrong And Other People's Sexual Behavior Converge, Expect Real Insanity:
    • 15 Shocking Tales of How Sex Laws Are Screwing the American People (alternet)
  • Consumers Are the Corporatocracy's Guinea Pigs:
    • Nanoparticles Industry Flourishing And Also May Damage Lungs of Users (newsdaily)
  • Obama And His Continuing Betrayal:
    • Obama / Holder Betray Gays by Defending DOMA in Legal Brief in Court, and Adding Unnecessary Insult to Injury, They Had a Bush Holdover Mormon Bigot Include His Homophobic Views As Part of Their Rationale (americablog) "No wonder the brief was so filled with hate and bigoted religious right talking points, such as comparing gay marriage to incest and pederasty." -- There's a lot more at Americablog on this, yet another, Obama stab in the back of all gays.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • The Milky Road (apod)