Friday, June 12, 2009

  • Possible Lab-Produced A-H1N1 Flu Virus Spurs First Global Pandemic in 41 Years:
    • Flu pandemic? U.S. has been there for weeks (reuters) -- As reported here before, the easily contracted swine flu has so far been relatively benign, compared to the great numbers of deaths some flu seasons and epidemics have brought to humankind. However, the truth of this one will occur during the next two northern winter flu seasons, when we will be watching anxiously to see if it combines with the very virulent H5N1 that has been killing 2/3 of all who contract it, and then spread easily and rapidly throughout the world. Don't expect adequate vaccines to be available if that is the case. If this is indeed a synthetic flu virus, as some virologists believe, it has one purpose, and that purpose is not benign. Why would the Power Elite do such a thing? Consider the probable devastation to the planet caused by global warming. Between scores of thousands of factories being shut down because of the Hank Paulson triggered global financial collapse and the horrible consequences of a very virulent flu pandemic following on its heels, just consider all the global warming emissions that will not be released into the atmosphere, thus buying the Power Elite more time to work on the global broiling problem before it is absolutely too late, even though it already may be. After all, if they want to rule the world, there must be a human race left to rule.
  • Hero Sibel Edmonds - Getting the Truth Out Against All Odds:
    • Project EXPOSE MSM Report 2 - Major DEA Scandal & Time Magazine (123realchange) -- Time Magazine - protecting the Establishment's self-important image is more important than exposing the Establishment's ugly underbelly.
  • George Bush Should Have To Pay Personally For This Kind of Travesty of Justice:
    • 'Worst of the Worst'?: Gitmo's Youngest Prisoner, the 'Forgotten Child', Released Without Charges (bradblog) "Mohammed El-Gharani, captured at fourteen, mistreated by captors, never charged in over seven years, finally going home..." -- Only the president could and did designate who was an 'enemy combatant'. That monster, the illigitimate, unelected Oval Office interloper who imprisoned so many innocents, should have to personally compensate each adjudged innocent "detainee" at least $2 million for every year he imprisoned them. Although NOTHING will ever be able to erase the scars of this young man's torture and suffering, the money would help him lead a more comfortable life and George W. Bush, the real criminal behind the curtain, would finally be beginning to pay some of his dues, although, truthfully, I believe only the gallows for both him and all his top lieutenants would settle the score - after a fair and swift trial, at least as fair and swift as was afforded Saddam Hussein.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • SNR 0104: An Unusual Suspect (apod)