Sunday, June 7, 2009

  • Our 'Liberal' MSM:
    • Wake Up America, the Media Treat Far-Right Views as Mainstream (alternet - washingtonpost) -- And the MSM is by no means being dragged to the right kicking and screaming. As Sumner Redstone once commented, Republican administrations are good for my business. -- Yes, all those tax breaks and deregulation are good for the corporate mogul's wallet, even if not for the country.
  • Radical RW Evangenitals Want to Take Control of Government - Really. That's Why Bush Put Monica Goodling, Graduate of Pat Robertson's Law School -- And Eventually Just Another Bush Creepy Crawler -- in Charge of Selecting DOJ Personnel.
    • Katherine Yurica: On Defining “Dominionism” and “The Cultural Mandate”: Is It a New Anti-Christian Religion? (yuricareport)
      • Outing Creeping Dominionism - A Response to an Evangelical’s Attack (yuricareport)
      • Pat Robertson, A Christian Reconstructionist? A Parallel Column Comparison of R. J. Rushdoony's Words with Pat Robertson's In Parallel Columns (yuricareport)
      • Cultural mandate (wiki) - Dominionism (wiki)
      • The Despoiling of America - How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State (yuricareport)
      • A Mission To 'Reclaim America' (yuricareport)
      • The 'Hypermodern' Foe - How the Evangelicals and Catholics Joined Forces (yuricareport)
      • Apologists call it all a meer "conspiracy theory" (How many times have we heard that instant-death propaganda smear when someone challenges a brainwashed Establishment view of the world?) (yuricareport)
      • Judicial Warfare: The Christian Reconstruction Movement and its Blueprints for Dominion (yuricareport) "In short, Rushdoony is the man who founded Christian Reconstructionism, of which Dominionism is a basic concept."
      • More Articles On the Rise of Dominionism in America (yuricareport)
  • Radical RW Evangenitals Intent on Becoming Endless Baby Factories And Ending Mankind's Existence by Overpopulation-Caused Pollution:
    • Quiverfull (wiki) -- Rick Warren's church is a part of this growing movement, wouldn't you know it.
  • Debunking the Lies That Lying Liars Tell:
    • Debunking Canadian health care myths (denverpost)
    • Hero and Still Obama-Muzzled Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds: Dissecting the Mainstream Media (Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3)
  • Obama, the War President - Feeding the Insatiable Corporate War Profiteers:
    • Bill Moyers Journal Video: Jeremy Scahill on Today's War (pbs) -- Various catches: The radical privatization of war has only heightened under Obama, such privatization is inaugurating a new system for waging war and illegally draws recruits from anywhere in the world to fight in U.S. wars ... New U.S. Afghanistan military chief McChrystal has a very troubling history to be placed in charge and is sending the wrong message to Afghanistan. ... Haliburton/KBR should be recognized as the greatest corporate scandal of the decade. ... It's time to take off the Obama T-shirts - he's now the most powerful man in the world and is waging wars that are indiscriminately killing innumerable innocent people ... Drones turn war into a video game that can be waged by people on the ground half a world away. There will be payback for these innocent killings - these deaths only create more people determined to punish the U.S. ... The Pentagon is planning an Afghanistan occupation, not a police action to clean out terrorists. ... U.S. now building an 80-football-field-sized fortress of an embassy to serve that occupation. ... The U.S. will be in Iraq in sizable numbers for 10 to 15 years.
      • The Privatization of 'Obama's War' (buzzflash)
    • Fighting Militarism’s Toxic Legacy (progressive) "One of the most pernicious effects of the U.S. government’s commitment to militarism is a toxic landscape. Current legislation pending in the House, H.R. 672, the Military Environmental Responsibility Act, would force the military to comply with environmental and public safety laws."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Asteroid Eros Reconstructed (apod)