Thursday, June 11, 2009

  • The Poison In Our Food - All For Corporate Profits:
    • Medical group calls for reducing use of BPA (usatoday) "The new report is the latest in a growing number of statements from scientific groups warning of potential harm. Although the Food and Drug Administration says BPA is safe, Canada last year declared the chemical to be toxic." -- Found in plastic bottles on store shelves and in linings of fruit, vegetable and some soft drink cans. The only way to eliminate it is to refuse to buy and consume the products packaged in such poisonous containers--and let the store manager know why you are not buying them.. See also my 05-22-09 entry (Drinking All Beverages . . .).
      • Debate over a leaching chemical heats up (2005 article from USA Today reports the same danger)
  • Tyranny of a Two-Party System:
    • Stop Being Distracted by Loudmouths Like Limbaugh: The Real Problem Is Lousy Democrats Like Evan Bayh and Ben Nelson (alternet) "Republicans are not the obstacle to progressive governance. Instead, Democrats who refuse to support a public option are the obstacle."
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • Nobel Economist Stiglitz: Government's Response is WORSE than Socialism (georgewashington2) "In truth, this is not socialism, but an extension of long-standing corporate welfarism."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Grand Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232 (apod)