Thursday, January 1, 2009

  • One year in 40 seconds (youtube)
  • Having handed Bush since 2001 nearly everything he ever wanted for dismantling what might have still been left of our dying Democratic form of government, Democrat leaders now act tough and bloviate about not seating tainted Illinois governor's choice, Roland Burris, to fill Obama's vacated seat (latimes). Rather than consider Burris on his merits, senate leaders have armed police standing ready to bar him from the senate floor. Give me a break! These preposterous milquetoast Democrats look completely ridiculous in this spectacle of their own making now that Blagojevich has called their bluff. These light bulbs would rather force a special election in Illinois--one that they just might lose--than accept a Democrat appointed by Blagojevich now that Bush-appointed Republican prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has held up Blago's dirty linen for the whole world to snicker at.
  • Chalmers Johnson discussing his three books on the overreach and decline of the American military empire--Blowback, Sorrows of Empire, Nemesis ( Johnson, a professor emeritus of the University of California, San Diego, remarks that if you have a little money, it probably wouldn't be a terrible idea to invest in a home away from home up in Canada.
  • Palestinian Massacre in 6th Day - Israel destroys Palestinian government buildings in Gaza (reuters) - 4 Israeli and Israeli-Arabs dead. - 400 Palestinians dead. Anything out of balance here? Israel rationalizes that if it takes out 30 nearby innocents while successfully killing one target, everything is fine and dandy--fully justified. Somewhat similar to US military thinking in its modern-day massacres of innocents from high flying bombers. Therefore, 4,221 US troops dead, 100,000+ innocent Iraqis killed as collateral damage. This in no way accounts for the remainder of the nearly 1,500,000 Iraqis killed in all ways as a result of George W. Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq. Israeli troops dance as they await the ground invasion of Gaza (mcclatchydc). Whatever became of the thundering drumbeat? Q: What helped the rise of Hamas? A: US and Israel policies (mcclatchydc)
  • Glenn Greenwald, 2008 Another brutal year for liberty (salon)
  • Annie (1982) - "It's A Hard Knock Life" (youtube) - "Tomorrow" (youtube)