Thursday, January 29, 2009

  • War on Drugs:
    • I bought a lovely feline friend some new toys and a catnip-laced scratching pad. She was ecstatic. Catnip sometimes gives cats such a giddy, joyous rush, I sometimes wonder how Republicans ever let it escape their controlled-substances list in their phony 'war on drugs.' (CatnipFrenzy)
  • Bye, Bye Blago. (cnn) - You were so well suited to be a Republican but somehow missed your calling. I think I hate corrupt Democrats more than corrupt Republicans. Republicans by virtue of their perverted world view see corruption as normal business procedure and are therefore more predictable. I hold Democrats to a higher standard because we so desperately need good Democrats to fight the good fight.
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Israeli/US-Palestinian Atrocities:
      • Let the Boycotts And Divestments Begin: For the first time, U.S. professors call for academic and cultural boycott of Israel (haaretz) - See also my entry 01-11-09 (Naomi Klein says . . .)
  • Change We Can Believe In:
    • GOP defies Obama overtures with 0 votes for his House stimulus plan (politico) - Good Boy Scout Barack extended the hand of friendship to the Grand Obstructionist Party and even unnecessarily gave away important parts of the store--without negotiating for value in return. Is this the way we can expect him to govern? What a pushover. Good for the GOP, bad for the nation. Is that how he will negotiate the security of our nation with really hostile governments? Did he learn nothing about Republican methods in his few short years in the Senate? Didn't he notice that they never, never play softball. Maybe he just wasn't there long enough. Now it seems he plans to respond to their natural meanness by talking about facts--the facts of how many jobs those House representatives voted against in their own individual states. Just how much do those GOP representatives care about what piss-ant individual Republican "constituents" think, when their real constituents, the ones who pay their way, are big, greedy corporations who want it all their way--and they want Obama to fail so they'll have another wallow in the slop trough? Democrats are good at listing facts--head stuff -- Republicans don't care about any of that. They respond to feelings--gut stuff. It's in their perverted psychological makeup. ------ I remember the last time we had a good Boy Scout running our government. We heard often about his Baptist upbringing, about the goodness of man, and life on his peanut farm -- and he let inflation run away so far that interest rates were in the upper teens. He mounted a poorly planned attempt to rescue the Iran hostages, and when his own military screwed him and the rescue mission over, he gave up and his CIA let George H.W. Bush get away with illegal Republican negotiations with the Iranians that enabled Reagan to be elected and initiate the Iran-Contra treason. Now that he is safely out of power, he does wonderful humanitarian work. A friend once told me he thought Jimmy Carter was the best president we've ever had. I often wondered what he meant, until I realized that he probably believed Carter enabled the Reagan Republican takeover of America to begin. Yeah, wonderful. I wonder if Boy Scout Barack will be as wonderful.
  • At the Center of the Milky Way (apod)