Tuesday, January 6, 2009

  • Donate free rice while honing your vocabulary (freerice-voc) or other (freerice-other) cognitive skills.
  • Oregon church to stop signing marriage licenses until same-sex couples can legally wed (washblade) Way to go CUCofC!
  • Bush a total jerk to the end. WH lied about 119-room Blair House or any reasonable part of it being unavailable to the Obamas during the time they requested to stay there early in January. (youtube)
  • Israeli-occupied territory, aka, Capitol Hill, preparing pro-Israel resolution (jta). "AIPAC lickspittles Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Howard Berman (D-CA and definitely a weirdo) back resolution supporting Israel's genocide in Gaza. Hoyer's sister is a one-time executive director of AIPAC" (waynemadsenreport).
  • Feinstein And Rockefeller To Obama: We Liked Bush’s Appointees More Than Panetta (thinkprogress). Now, why does that suddenly make Leon Panetta a much more attractive nominee for Director of the CIA? Still trying to wash off that damned spot after shaking Lady Di's hand a couple times. Not enough soap. Can't say I've had the pleasure with Sen. Rockefeller, although I'm sure the situation would be similar.
  • Democrat senators soil themselves yet again by barring the seating of Roland Burris (abcnews), without presenting a single shred of evidence that he is corrupt or otherwise undeserving of the Senate seat yet unimpeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has bestowed upon him. Such cajones Democrat senate leaders have, now that it is one of their own they are attacking, instead of one of Bush's draconian and unconstitutional assaults on the foundations of the nation. By sending Burris to Washington, a black man and a man who is generally regarded as having an impeccable reputation, Blago has stuck his thumb into the eye of his US Senate detractors.
  • Jupiter Eclipsing Ganymede (apod). When I first started peering through a telescope at Jupiter, there were 8 moons. As of May 7, 2008, there were more than five dozen (nasa). How the truth changes when you're trying to live in a reality-based world! How safe and secure it must feel to evangenital nutjobs (one example from a nauseatingly long list) who never have to worry about such trifles as changes in scientific reality. It's only science, unless, of course, you need an ER to save your life. But hey, Bush just gave health care providers the right to refuse to treat anyone they object to on religious moral grounds. How long will it be before some non-theist ER workers decide to deny evangenitals emergency care on the basis of their own religious moral beliefs about evangenitals?