Tuesday, March 24, 2009

  • Bush Crimes Ad Nauseum:
  • A Dash of Sanity:
    • EPA Delays Hundreds of Mountaintop Mining Permits (nytimes)
    • Massachusetts Looks to Legalize Pot: Eyeing Millions in Tax Revenue (chattabox)
  • Steal That Election -- It's So Easy:
    • Were the election officials who allegedly manipulated votes on e-voting machines in Clay County, KY, Republican or Democratic? And does it actually make any difference? (bradblog)
  • The Great Economic Shakedown:
  • What's the Difference?
    • Greenwald: A major difference between conservatives and progressives (salon)
  • Some Useful Ideas for Our Broken Country:
    • Eliminate the filibuster: FDR could not have gotten the New Deal through Congress if the filibuster had existed at that time; Obama's initial pretty decent stimulus package was diluted to ineffectiveness by the threat of GOP filibuster. Eliminate the secret hold of a bill by any single senator. While we're at it, we should strip corporations of the rights of personhood. Then abolish the Federal Reserve, the most elite private bankers' bonanza. Oh, by the way, we could restore the full force of the Constitution and the Rule of Law to our country, holding Bush regime violators fully legally accountable -- and hold present and future government officials to the same standard. Create a fair and transparent election system nationwide. Campaign reform that eliminates corporate money. Break up the communications mega-corporations. -- I realize this list could become pages long. More on that later. . . Need to wake up now.
  • Unaccountable Corporatocracy:
    • Oil plagues Sound 20 years after Exxon Valdez (msnbc - democracynow) -- Gov. Theocratia Palin has been conveniently shielded up to this point from seeing any of the continuing damage.
  • China Flexes - S. Africa Caves:
    • South Africa bars Dalai Lama from peace conference so China will not be offended and punish their trade relations (americablog - yahoo/ap)
    • South African peace conference postponed after they ban the Dalai Lama (americablog)
  • Mars Express: Return to Cydonia (apod)