Friday, March 27, 2009

  • Military-Industrial Complex - The Great Contractors' Ripoff of Everyone:
    • Shoddy wiring 'everywhere' on Iraq bases, Army inspector says (cnn) "Of the nearly 30,000 buildings the Army's 'Task Force Safe' has examined so far, Childs said more than half 'failed miserably.' And 8,527 had such serious problems that inspectors gave them a 'flash' warning, meaning repairs had to be completed in four hours or the facility evacuated. He said the majority of those buildings were wired by contractor KBR, based in Houston, Texas" formerly a part of Dick Cheney's Halliburton.
  • Restore the Rule of Law and Accountability!
    • John Nichols: Shouldn't Congress Hold the Pentagon to Account? (thenation)
  • A Dash of Sanity:
    • The Phony War on Drugs: New York eases harsh 1970s drug laws (reuters) "The existing laws -- known as the Rockefeller drug laws for Republican Governor Nelson Rockefeller who in 1973 said they were needed to fight a heroin epidemic -- were considered among the nation's stiffest because they required prison terms for offenders and gave judges no discretion in sentencing."
    • Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania (nytimes) "Pennsylvania's highest court on Thursday overturned hundreds of juvenile convictions issued by a corrupt judge who took millions of dollars in kickbacks from youth detention centers." -- Now I'd like to know what compensatory damages the State of Pennsylvania plans to pay the thousands of wrongfully convicted youths these vermin judges unlawfully sentenced.
  • Global Broiling:
    • Lights worldwide to go dark this Saturday night for Earth Hour (msncb) "From landmarks to homes, idea is to send message about global warming" by reducing electricity usage to minimum from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in your time zone.
  • The Seagull Nebula (apod)